What's new in Edge Flow Manager
Edge Flow Manager (EFM) enables you to manage, control, and monitor agents that are deployed on the edge devices in IoT implementations. You can use these agents to collect real-time data originating from the devices to create and push actionable intelligence and insights to the place of data origin.
- Depends On property descriptor
The functionality available in NiFi is now available in EFM Flow Designer as well. If there are dependent properties defined in the manifest, they will be shown / hidden according to their dependency relation.
- Support access through Load Balancer/Proxy – EFM
When agents are behind Load Balancer/Proxy, EFM relies on the X-FORWARDED-HOST header to create absolute download URLs for the agents (flow, asset, and file transfer). Not all Load Balancers or Proxies support this header. To bypass the issue, EFM also sends a relative path so agents that have dedicated host configurations can safely construct absolute URLs. This is available in MiNiFi Java from 1.23.04 and tit will be available in a future release of MiNiFi C++.
- Push Assets to agents S3 integration - Session Token support
Now you can also use session tokens to configure AWS S3 access when the asset push functionality is targeting AWS S3. For more information, see Using Asset Push command.
For information on bug fixes, see Fixed issues.