InstallationPDF version

Adding Flink as a Service

You need to use the Add Service wizard in Cloudera Manager to have Flink service on your cluster. When assigning roles, you must install Flink, HDFS and YARN Gateway roles on the same node from where the Flink jobs are submitted.

You have placed the CSD file to the /opt/cloudera/csd folder and installed the Flink parcel on Cloudera Manager.
  1. Open Cloudera Manager.
  2. On the Home screen, select the drop-down menu to the right of your cluster.
  3. Select Add Service.
  4. From the list, select Flink as the type of service, then click Continue.
    The Add Service wizard will launch.
  5. Choose HBase and Hive as Optional dependency if needed for the source and sink solution, then click Continue.
  6. Assign roles to the History Server and Gateway, then click Continue.
  7. Review the changes needed for your service.
  8. Click Continue and wait until the first run of the Flink service is completed.
  9. Click Continue and then Finish.

You have added Flink as a service in Cloudera Manager.