Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances
For cluster, service, role, and host instances you can see dashboards of charts of various metrics relevant to the entity you are viewing. While the metrics displayed are different for each entity, the basic functionality works in the same way.
tab for clusters and the Status tab for a service, role, or host display dashboards containing a limited set of charts.The Status page Charts Library tab displays a dashboard containing a much larger set of charts, organized by categories such as process charts, host charts, CPU charts, and so on, depending on the entity (service, role, or host) that you are viewing.
A custom dashboard is displayed by default when you view the Status tab for an entity. You can switch between custom and
default dashboards by using the edit button to the upper right of the chart.
Displaying Information from Charts
There are various ways to display information from charts.
- Click the
icon at the top right to see a menu for opening the chart in the Chart Builder or exporting its data.
- Change the size of a chart on a dashboard by dragging the lower-right corner of the chart.
- Hovering with the mouse over a stream on a chart (for example, a line on a line chart) opens a small pop-up window that displays information about that stream. Move the mouse horizontally to see the data values change in the small pop-up window, based on the time represented at the mouse's position along the chart's horizontal axis. Click any stream within the chart to display a larger pop-up window that includes additional information for the stream at the point in time where the mouse was clicked. At the bottom of the large pop-up window is a button for viewing the Cloudera Manager page for the entity (service, host, role, query, or application) associated with the chart, if applicable (View Service, View Host, and so on). Click the button View Entity Chart to display a chart for the stream on its own page. If the chart displays more than one stream, the new chart displays only the stream that was selected when the button was clicked.
- The chart page includes an editable text field containing a default title based on the select statement that was used to create the chart. This title will be used if you save the chart as a dashboard. Type a new title for the chart into this field, if desired.
Exporting Data from Charts

- Click Export JSON to display the chart data in JSON format in a new browser window.
- Click Export CSV to open a Save dialog box enabling you to save the data as a CSV file, choose a program to open the CSV, or open the file with your system's default program for editing and displaying CSV files.
Adding and Removing Charts from a Dashboard
Minimum Required Role: Configurator (also provided by Cluster Administrator, Full Administrator)
- With a custom dashboard, the menu displayed by clicking the
icon at the top right includes the selection Remove for users with the required roles. The Remove button does not appear in the menu when the default dashboard is used because the default dashboard does not allow removing the original charts. Use the edit button
to the upper right of the chart to switch between custom and default dashboards.
- Charts can also be added to a custom dashboard. Click the
icon at the top right and click Add to Dashboard. You can add the chart to an existing dashboard by selecting Add chart to an existing custom or system dashboard and selecting the dashboard name. Add the chart to a new dashboard by clicking Add chart to a new custom dashboard and enter a new name in the Dashboard Name field.
Creating Triggers from Charts
Minimum Required Role: Full Administrator
- For many charts, the menu opened with the
icon will also include Create Trigger. Triggers allow you to define actions to be taken when a specified condition is met. For information on creating triggers, see Triggers.