Using Apache Phoenix to Store and Access Data
Apache Phoenix JDBC driver can be easily embedded in any application that supports JDBC. Using the driver APIs, Phoenix translates SQL to native HBase API calls.
Apache Phoenix has two kinds of JDBC drivers, "thick" and "thin". The "thick" driver communicates directly with Apache ZooKeeper and Apache HBase and the "thin" client communicates with Apache HBase through Phoenix Query Server. Using the driver APIs, Phoenix translates SQL to native HBase API calls.
To connect to Apache Phoenix using the "thick" JDBC driver, you must use the JDBC URL syntax as shown here: jdbc:phoenix:[comma-separated ZooKeeper Quorum [:port [:hbase root znode [:kerberos_principal [:the path to kerberos keytab] ] ] ]
jdbc:phoenix:zookeeper1.domain,zookeeper2.domain, zookeeper3.domain:2181:/hbase:phoenix@EXAMPLE.COM:/etc/security/keytabs/phoenix.keytab
If you are running your client on the Apache Phoenix cluster, you do not have to specify the ZooKeeper parameter; the ZooKeeper quorum is retrieved automatically from hbase-site.xml configuration file.
To connect to Apache Phoenix using the "thin" client, see Connecting to PQS.