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Number of drives

Traditionally, Hadoop has been thought of as a large I/O platform. While there are many new types of workloads being run on Cloudera clusters that may not be as I/O bound as traditional MapReduce applications, it is still useful to consider the I/O performance when designing a Cloudera cluster.

Unlike the number of cores in a CPU and the density of RAM, the speed at which data can be read from a spinning hard drive (spindle) has not changed much in the past 10 years. To counter the limited performance of hard drive read/write operations, Hadoop reads and writes from many drives in parallel. Every additional spindle added to a node increases the overall read/write speed of the cluster.

Additional drives also come with the likelihood of more network traffic in the cluster. For the majority of cases, network traffic between nodes is generally limited by how fast data can be written to or read from a node. Therefore, the rule normally follows that, with more drives network speed requirements increase.

Generally speaking, the more drives a node has, the lower the cost per TB. However, the larger the quantity of data stored on one node, the longer the re-replication time if that node goes down. Hadoop clusters are designed to have many nodes. It is generally better to have more average nodes than fewer super nodes. This has a lot to do with both data protection, as well as increased parallelism for distributed computation engines such as MapReduce and Spark.

Lastly, the number of drives per node impacts the number of YARN containers configured for a node. YARN configuration and performance tuning is a complicated topic, but for I/O bound applications, the number of physical drives per host may be a limiting factor in determining the number of container slots configured per node.

Kafka clusters are often run on dedicated servers that do not run HDFS data nodes or processing components such as YARN and Impala. Because Kafka is a message-based system, fast storage and network I/O is critical to performance. Although Kafka does persist messages to disk, it is not generally necessary to store the entire contents of a Kafka topic log on the Kafka cluster indefinitely. Kafka brokers should be configured with dedicated spinning hard drives for the log data directories. Using SSDs instead of spinning disks has not shown to provide a significant performance improvement for Kafka.

Kafka drives should also be configured as RAID 10 because the loss of a single drive on a Kafka broker can cause the broker to experience an outage.