System Architecture Best Practices Review the requirements and best practices for various infrastructure sub-components. Operating system guidelinesReview the best practices and Cloudera's recommendations for installing operating systems (OS) on your clusters during your planning phase.Database guidelinesReview the best practices and Cloudera's recommendations for databases for your clusters during your planning phase.Java guidelinesReview the best practices and Cloudera's recommendations on JDKs for your clusters during your planning phase.Right-size server configuration guidelinesCloudera recommends deploying up to four machine types into your production environment: master nodes, worker nodes, utility nodes, and edge nodes.Deployment topologyLearn about the recommended deployment topology for your Cloudera Base on premises cluster that allows each host to maximize throughput and minimize latency, while encouraging scalability.Physical component listReview the minimum configuration of physical components recommended for deploying a Cloudera Base on premises cluster.Network specificationReview the network specifications recommended for deploying a Cloudera Base on premises cluster.Cloudera ManagerCloudera Manager is an application you use to manage, configure, and monitor Cloudera Base on premises clusters and Cloudera Runtime services. Cloudera recommends that you install Cloudera Runtime services using Cloudera Manager.Parent topic: Infrastructure