Fixed issues

Review the list of Flink and SQL Stream Builder issues that are resolved in Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.14.0.

CSA-5423 - Extend SSB diag bundle data points
CSA-5440 - Permit Spring Flyway plugin execution on PvC
CSA-5364 - Add number of topics/tables to successful data source validation message on UI
CSA-5306 - SSB API does not validate catalog type
CSA-5362 - Update "ssb-sse" ASCII text banner to not contain special characters
CSA-5359 - Improve error message when creating a JS UDF with a Java version that doesn't support it
CSA-5296 - Samples table fields are limited to 32 characters in mysql and oracle dbs
CSA-5324 - SSB default admin does not have admin privileges
CSA-5428 - Sampling renders null as Invalid Number in some cases
CSA-5474 - SSB can't execute any jobs due to permission issue in the SSB artifacts directory
CSA-5475 - Local-kafka connector template not showing in SSB
CSA-5479 - Using Temp View based on kudu lookup table leaks eventpolls
CSA-5499 - Bump Avro to 1.11.4 in parcel to mitigate CVE-2024-47561