What's new in Cloudera Streaming Analytics

Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.14.0 covers new features beside the core streaming functionality of Apache Flink and SQL Stream Builder.

Cloudera platform support
Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.14.0 is supported as a Long Term Support (LTS) version on Cloudera Private Cloud 7.3.1. Ensure that you review the 7.3.1 Release Notes and Support Matrix to understand which operating system, database, and JDK versions are supported for Streaming Analytics as well.
KNOX for SSB as Load-Balancer

From Cloudera Stream Analytics 1.14.0, SQL Stream Builder uses KNOX as a load-balancer if there are multiple instances.

The Load-balancer role, associated Cloudera Manager configurations, and nginx binaries have been removed.

For more information, see Enabling High Availability for SSB.

SQL Stream Builder sampling now using the Server-Sent Events (SSE) protocol

From Cloudera Stream Analytics 1.14.0, the sampling functionality in SQL Stream Builder is using the Server-Sent Events (SSE) protocol to support using KNOX as a load-balancer.

New Cloudera Manager configurations and REST API endpoints were added for SSE sampling.