Advanced Job Management

When starting a job a number of more advanced features can be selected to configure various properties of the job. To configure these features select the Show Advanced Settings button on the Compose tab.

Restart strategy and restart retry time

The job will be restarted after Restart Retry Time seconds if set to Always. It will not be restarted if you select Stop from the SQL Jobs tab. If set to Never the job will not be restarted unless you select Restart from the Compose tab.

Job parallelism

The number of threads to start to process the job. Each thread consumes a slot on the cluster.

Sample interval

How often to sample data (in milliseconds) from the output stream. 1000ms is common and recommended.

Sink Exactly Once Semantics

Enabling exactly once processing of the data that is generated to the sink.

Restore From Savepoint

Enabling restoring from savepoint for the SQL job using the state in Flink.