DeploymentPDF version

Add and configure the SMM Node

There are a number of required configurations you must make before you complete the SMM installation.

It is recommended that you add SMM to a management node on your cluster. For performance optimization, it is not recommended that you add it to a node where a Kafka Broker is running.

You will be installing two SMM roles on the same node: SMM REST Server, and SMM-UI.

  • You have installed NPM and the forever module on the SMM host.
  • You have configured Cloudera Manager and Service Monitor memory.
  • You have obtained the Kafka service name.
  1. From the Cloudera Manager Home page, select the drop-down to the right of your cluster, and select Add a Service and select Streams Messaging Manager. You may install one service at a time.
  2. Select your service dependencies:
    • If you plan to enable Kerberos, select HDFS, Kafka, Sentry, and ZooKeeper.
    • If you do not plan to enable Kerberos, select Kafka, and ZooKeeper.
  3. Select Streams Messaging Manager from your cluster, and then select the Configuration tab.
  4. Configure the following required properties:
    Property Description
    Specify the SMM database connector URL. For example:

    Specify the Streams Messaging Manager storage connector user.

    Specify the Streams Messaging Manager storage connector password.

    Specify the correct option based on the Kafka security protocol:

    • If Kafka is not secured, choose PLAINTEXT

    • If Kafka is Kerberos and SSL enabled, choose Inferred or SASL_SSL

      If Kafka has Kerberos but no SSL, choose SASL_PLAINTEXT

      If Kafka has no Kerberos but does have SSL enabled, choose SSL


    Set the value to https if TLS is enabled for Cloudera Manager. If TLS is not enabled, the value is http.

    Specify Cloudera Manager's FQDN host name.


    Specify Cloudera Manager's port number. By default, this is 7183 if TLS is configured and 7180 if it is not.


    Specify the Cloudera Manager password.

    Specify the Cloudera Manager Kafka service name. Provide the name of the Kafka service you obtained before you began SMM configuration.

    See Obtain the Kafka service name for more information.

    Schema Registry API url

    Specify the URL for the Schema Registry REST API. For example:

  5. Click Finish and once SMM is running restart Cloudera Manager if prompted to do so.