Known issues in Streams Messaging Manager

This topic describes known issues and workarounds for using Streams Messaging Manager in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

There are no known isssues in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

OPSAPS-59553: SMM's bootstrap server config should be updated based on Kafka's listeners

SMM does not show any metrics for Kafka or Kafka Connect when multiple listeners are set in Kafka.

Workaround: SMM cannot identify multiple listeners and still points to bootstrap server using the default broker port (9093 for SASL_SSL). You would have to override bootstrap server URL (hostname:port as set in the listeners for broker). Add the bootstrap server details in SMM safety valve in the following path:
Cloudera Manager > SMM > Configuration > Streams Messaging Manager Rest Admin Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for streams-messaging-manager.yaml > Add the following value for bootstrap servers>Save Changes > Restart SMM.
streams.messaging.manager.kafka.bootstrap.servers=<comma-separated list of brokers>
OPSAPS-59828: SMM cannot connect to Schema Registry when TLS is enabled

When TLS is enabled, SMM by default cannot properly connect to Schema Registry.

As a result, when viewing topics in the SMM Data Explorer with the deserializer key or value set to Avro, the following error messages are shown:
  • Error deserializing key/value for partition [***PARTITION***] at offset [***OFFSET***]. If needed, please seek past the record to continue consumption.
  • Failed to fetch value schema versions for topic : '[***TOPIC**]'.
In addition, the following certificate error will also be present the SMM log:
  • PKIX path building failed:...
Workaround: Additional security properties must be set for SMM.
  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the SMM service.
  2. Go to Configuration.
  3. Find and configure the SMM_JMX_OPTS property.
    Add the following JVM SSL properties: