Configure Knox for SMM integration

  1. From the Ambari UI Advanced streams-messaging-manager-sso-config, verify that Authentication.provider.url is accurate.
    The format of the URL is as follows:
    For example,
  2. Generate your public.key.pem.
    1. From Knox | Configs | Advanced knoxsso-toplogy, add the following:
    2. Save this change and restart Knox.
    3. Export the Knox certificate.
      cd /usr/hdp/current/knox-server/bin
      ./ export-cert --type PEM
      [root@dw-weekly bin]# ./ export-cert --type PEM
      Certificate gateway-identity has been successfully exported to: /usr/hdp/<HDP_version>/knox-server/data/security/keystores/gateway-identity.pem
  3. Open gateway-identity.pem that is created in the previous step and copy the content between ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- and ----END CERTIFICATE---- lines.
    For example,

  4. From the Ambari UI Advanced streams-messaging-manager-sso-config, insert the content, which you copied in the previous step, in the public.key.pem field.