Upgrading the SMM Application

To upgrade the SMM Application, you must back up your SMM Application repository, download and verify the SMM version to which you want to upgrade, set the SMM Application version to which you want to upgrade, and run the upgrade command.

  1. Back up your existing SMM Application repository (SMM.repo) file.
  2. Download the upgrade repository tarball to the repository folder:
     wget -nv <upgrade-repo-URL> -o /etc/yum.repos.d/SMM.repo
  3. Verify that the repository is downloaded:
     yum search smm-app
  4. Update the repository by running the following command:
    yum update smm-app

    You should see two versions of the SMM Application.

  5. List all the versions installed by running:
    /usr/bin/smm-app-select versions
  6. Set the version of the SMM Application to which you want to upgrade:
    /usr/bin/smm-app-select set streams-messaging-manager <version>


    <version> is the SMM Application version to which you want to upgrade.

  7. Change into the current SMM Application directory:
    cd /usr/smm-app/current/streams-messaging-manager/bin
  8. Run the upgrade command:
    ./smmdeploy.sh upgrade