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Upgrading the SMM REST Server

To upgrade the SMM REST Server, you must verify your existing installation, install the version to which you want to upgrade, and then verify the new installation.

  1. Confirm the current SMM component and version. For example:
    yum list installed | grep streams-messaging-manager
  2. Display the current version associated with each component. For example:
    smm-select status | grep streams-messaging-manager
     streams-messaging-manager -
  3. Install binaries for the SMM services to which you want to upgrade.
    yum install -y streams-messaging-manager_<build>_<version>
  4. Ensure that no SMM processes are present on your cluster node:
    ps aux | grep streams-messaging-manager
  5. Use smm-select to ensure that you have created the appropriate links to the new SMM installation:
    smm-select set streams-messaging-manager
  6. Confirm that smm-select displays the new SMM service versions. For example:
    smm-select status | grep streams-messaging-manager
     streams-messaging-manager -
  7. Add advanced configuration properties.
    1. Select Streams Messaging Manager from the Ambari services pane.
    2. Click Configs and select Custom streams-messaging-manager-common from the Advanced tab.
    3. Add the following properties and their corresponding values to Custom streams-messaging-manager-common:
      • latencyMetricsConfig.enable.latency.metrics.processing=true
      • latencyMetricsConfig.metrics.storage=/usr/smm/data/latencymetrics
      • latencyMetricsConfig.metrics.15m.ttl.secs=1209600
      • latencyMetricsConfig.metrics.clean.frequency.ms=21600000
    4. Select Custom streams-messaging-manager-srm-config from the Advanced tab.
    5. Add the following properties and their corresponding values to Custom streams-messaging-manager-srm-config:
      • configure.streamsReplicationManager=false
      • streamsReplicationManagerConfig.protocol=http
      • streamsReplicationManagerConfig.host=localhost
      • streamsReplicationManagerConfig.port=6669
    6. Select Advanced streams-messaging-manager-env from the Advanced tab.
    7. Add the following line in streams-messaging-manager-env-template, at the end:
      export ROCKSDB_SHAREDLIB_DIR={{streams_messaging_manager_native_libs}} 
  8. Start Streams Messaging Manager from Service Section in Ambari.

After you have upgraded the SMM REST Server, you must also upgrade the SMM Application.