Using Ambari Core Services
Also available as:

YARN Queues

Metrics to see status of Queues on the YARN cluster.

Table 1. YARN Queues metrics descriptions
Row Metrics Description
NUM APPS Apps Runnning Current number of running applications.
Apps Pending Current number of pending applications.
Apps Completed Accumulated number of completed applications over time.
Apps Failed Accumulated number of failed applications over time.
Apps Killed Accumulated number of killed applications over time.
Apps Submitted Accumulated number of submitted applications over time.
NUM CONTAINERS Containers Running Current number of running containers.
Containers Pending Current number of pending containers.
Containers Reserved Current number of Reserved containers.
Total Containers Allocated Accumulated number of containers allocated over time.
Total Node Local Containers Allocated Accumulated number of node-local containers allocated over time.
Total Rack Local Containers Allocated Accumulated number of rack-local containers allocated over time.
Total OffSwitch Containers Allocated Accumulated number of off-switch containers allocated over time.
MEMORY UTILIZATION Allocated Memory Current amount of memory allocated for containers.
Pending Memory Current amount of memory asked by applications for allocating containers.
Available Memory Current amount of memory available for allocating containers.
Reserved Memory Current amount of memory reserved for containers.
Memory Used by AM Current amount of memory used by AM containers.
CONTAINER ALLOCATION DELAY Ave AM Container Allocation Delay Average time taken to allocate an AM container since the AM container is requested.