Cloudbreak CLI Reference
Also available as:

ldap create

Registers an existing LDAP with Cloudbreak.

Required options

--name [$VALUE] Name for the LDAP

--ldap-server [$VALUE] Address of the LDAP server (e.g. ldap://

--ldap-domain [$VALUE] LDAP domain (e.g.

--ldap-bind-dn [$VALUE] LDAP bind DN (e.g. CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=cb,DC=com)

--ldap-bind-password [$VALUE] LDAP bind password

--ldap-directory-type [$VALUE] LDAP directory type (LDAP or ACTIVE_DIRECTORY)

--ldap-user-search-base [$VALUE] LDAP user search base (e.g. CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=cb,DC=com)

--ldap-user-name-attribute [$VALUE] LDAP user name attribute

--ldap-user-object-class [$VALUE] LDAP user object class

--ldap-group-member-attribute [$VALUE] LDAP group member attribute

--ldap-group-name-attribute [$VALUE] LDAP group name attribute

--ldap-group-object-class [$VALUE] LDAP group object class

--ldap-group-search-base [$VALUE] LDAP group search base (e.g. OU=scopes,DC=ad,DC=cb,DC=com)


--ldap-admin-group [$VALUE] LDAP group of administrators

--description [$VALUE] Description for the LDAP

--server [$VALUE] Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]

--username [$VALUE] Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]

--password [$VALUE] Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]

--workspace [$VALUE] Name of the workspace where to create the resource

--profile [$VALUE] Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]

--auth-type [$VALUE] Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]