NifiSpec defines the desired state of NiFi.
nifiVersion string
NiFi version to create a cluster for. Must have full pattern of Major.Minor.Patch. For example: 1.2.3, or 2.1.1
Replicas int32
Replicas defines the desired quantity of NiFi pods.
Image ImageSpec
- Image for the NiFi container .
tiniImage ImageSpec
Tini image for sidecars / init containers.
ingressAccessType IngressRoutingSpec
ingressAccessType is deprecated, use uiConnection instead.
Zookeeper NifiZookeeperSpec
ZooKeeper instance specification.
configOverride NifiConfigurationSpec
ConfigOverride specifies user provided input overriding default configurations.
Persistence for the NiFi container.
Assets Assets
Flow assets that the NiFi processor needs to access in the form of local file system.
Statefulset StatefulsetSpec (Optional)
Statefulset parameters for the underlying NiFi statefulset.
podDisruptionBudget NifiPodDisruptionBudget
PodDisruptionBudget parameters for the underlying NiFi pod disruption budget.
Security NifiSecuritySpec (Optional)
Security specifies the security related configurations (HTTPS, LDAP, Kerberos…)
Resources NifiResourceSpec
Resources specifies container limits by containers
S2s S2SSpec
S2s specifies the site-to-site related configurations.
Debug JVMDebugSpec
Debug specifies the details for JVM remote debugging.
stateManagement StateManagementSpec
StateManagement specifies NiFi state management details. For more information, see State management in NiFi documentation.
sensitivePropsKeySecretName string
SensitivePropsKeySecretName is the name of the secret which specifies the value for the nifi.sensitive.props.key in If a secret with such name pre-exists, then the operator will use it. When left empty, the operator will create a secret with the
name: {cr-name}-sensitive-props-key
and a randomly generated password as a value for ‘nifi.sensitive.props.key
’. proxyConfig ProxyConfigSpec
proxyConfig contains details about a reverse proxy in front of the ingress controller. When set, it is used in the ingress object to set ‘
’ headers, which are used by NiFi to construct URIs which work properly with the proxy. For more information, see Proxy Configuration in NiFi documentation. inboundConnection InboundConfig
inboundConnection defines the configuration for allowing inbound connection to listening processors in a NiFi flow.
hostName string
hostName specifies the host name with which NiFi is reachable. The host name is used to configure the host of the Ingress/Route for uiConnection. When omitted, any arbitrary host header is feasible, for example. IP address. The host name should match the ingress certificate in case manual ingress certificate is set. HostName is required for “host named based virtual access” mode, but can be omitted in “fanout” mode (See IngressAccessType property).
additionalAttachments []Kubernetes core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference
AdditionalAttachments specifies a list of object references to be attached to all NiFi pods for general usage. Objects with Kind “
” and “ConfigMap
” are accepted. The base path for attached volumes is “/home/nifi/additional/{configmap|secret}”, depending on its Kind. Attachments appear as a directory. Name of the attachment is the same as the name of the Kubernetes object, only dashes ‘-
’ are replaced with underscores ‘_
’. For example, a ConfigMap with name “my-config
” will be mounted to “/home/nifi/additional/configmap/my_config”. additionalPodLabels map[string]string
AdditionalPodLabels specifies key/value pairs that will be assigned to each NiFi pod resource as additional labels.
additionalPodAnnotations map[string]string
additionalPodAnnotations specifies key/value pairs that will be assigned to each NiFi pod resource as additional annotations.
Suspend bool
Suspend reconciliation of this NiFi cluster
suspendCluster bool
Suspend this NiFi cluster’s operation by scaling replicas to zero without offloading data or deleting PVCs.
Tolerations []Kubernetes core/v1.Toleration
Tolerations sets the tolerations on each NiFi pod.
Connections []Connection
Connections configures Ingresses, Routes, and Services for connecting to NiFi.
uiConnection Connection
uiConnection configures the Ingress, Route, or Service used for accessing NiFi’s WebUI.