
StatefulsetSpec contains the parameters for the underlying statefulset.

podManagementPolicy string (Optional)

Defines the pod management policy of the underlying statefulset. The default value is Parallel.

antiAffinity string (Optional)

Defines the anti-affinity policy for the pods. The default value is Soft.

livenessProbe ProbeSpec (Optional)

livenessProbe is a periodic probe of container liveness. Iif the probe fails, the container is restarted. This parameter cannot be updated.

readinessProbe ProbeSpec (Optional)

readinessProbe is a periodic probe of container service readiness. If the probe fails, the container is removed from service endpoints. This parameter cannot be updated.

terminationGracePeriodSeconds int64(Optional)

terminationGracePeriodSeconds is the time allotted for a graceful termination of a pod’s containers before a SIGKILL signal is sent.