Known issues

Learn about the known issues in this release of Cloudera Flow Management (CFM) Operator.

JVM memory values not automatically scaled based on pod memory
The JVM memory minimum and maximum values are not automatically scaled based on pod memory. By default, both values are set to 2 GB (-Xms2G and -Xmx2G).


  • Set the minimum JVM memory to 50% of the pod memory limit.
  • Set the maximum JVM memory to 75% of the pod memory limit.

You can manually configure the JVM memory settings using the following parameters:
        java.arg.2: -Xms[***MEMORY MIN***]G
        java.arg.3: -Xmx[***MEMORY MAX***]G
Sensitive properties key regeneration causing node startup failures
Due to a flaw in the operator, the provided sensitive properties key Secret is regenerated regularly. This leads to issues when adding nodes to the NiFi cluster, as the new NiFi node will have a different sensitive properties key. This discrepancy prevents the new NiFi node from decrypting the sensitive properties, causing a failed startup.
  1. Provide your own sensitive properties key, which can be any random alphanumeric string of arbitrary length.
  2. Create a secret using the following command.
    kubectl create secret generic [***NIFI NAME***]-sensitive-properties-key -n [***NAMESPACE***] --from-literal=nifi.sensitive.props.key=[***ALPHANUMERIC STRING***]
  3. Add the field spec.sensitivePropsKeySecretName:[***NIFI NAME***]-sensitive-properties-key to your NiFi YAML file.
Insufficient hostname generated by cfmctl quick in OpenShift
When using the cfmctl quick command in OpenShift, the generated route has an insufficient hostname for resolving in a web browser.
  1. Find a standard OpenShift Route and extract the default route. For example, to get the OpenShift console route, run the following command.
    kubectl -n openshift-console get route console -ojsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].routerCanonicalHostname}'

    The response will be similar to: router-default.apps-crc.testing.

  2. Construct a unique URL by replacing router-default with your CR name and namespace.
  3. Edit the route resource directly and set your constructed URL as the hostname.
    kubectl -n [***NAMESPACE***] edit route demo-nifi