Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Calculations for reports

Learn about how to correctly perform calculation using metrics values.

All the metrics return a time series of metric values. Depending on the collection frequency of the metric itself and the data granularity you use when issuing tsquery statements, the results return metric values in different frequencies and therefore there are different ways to handle the metric values.

Note the following about how to correctly perform calculations using metric values:
  • YARN container metrics are generated once per hour resulting in one raw metric value every hour. Therefore, the most detailed results possible for YARN CPU and memory usage are hourly reports.

  • Hourly aggregates are summarized from raw metric values. These aggregates include a set of statistics that include the sum, maximum, minimum, count and other statistics that summarize the raw metric values. When you use the hourly granularity, you lose the single values of the raw metric values. However, you can still get peak usage data for such metrics.

  • For some of the YARN metrics described in this topic, the tsquery statement aggregates from the pool and user level to pool level in the Cloudera Manager Cluster Utilization reports. For these queries, because the maximum and minimum for different pool and user combinations are not likely to happen at the same time, there is no way to get the peak usage across pool and user combinations, or at the pool level. The only meaningful results possible are average and sum.

  • When calculating CPU/Memory usage percentage, pay attention to the units for each metric. For example, if the cluster consistently has 8 VCores, the total VCore seconds for each hour would be 8 * 3600 VCore seconds. You can then use this adjusted number to compare with the VCore seconds used by YARN or YARN pools.