Navigator Key Trustee ServerPDF version

Back up Key Trustee Server using Cloudera Manager

Cloudera Manager versions 5.8 and higher, when used with Key Trustee Server versions 5.7 and higher, allow for backups of the KT Server.

The actions executed in this procedure are equivalent to running the script on the node in question (see Back up Key Trustee Server using the script for additional details).

In addition, when using the HDFS Encryption Wizard in Cloudera Manager 5.8 or higher to install and configure Key Trustee Server versions 5.7 and higher, a cron job is automatically set up to back up the Key Trustee Server on an ongoing basis. See Initializing Standalone Key Trustee Server for more detail.

To back up the KT Server service configuration using Cloudera Manager:

  1. Select the KT Server service configuration that you want to back up.
  2. For a KT Server backup, select Create Backup on Active Server (or Create Backup on Passive Server) from the Actions menu.
A successfully completed backup of the KT Server is indicated by the message “Command Create Backup on Active Server finished successfully on service keytrustee_server”.