Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Filter Attributes

The table below describes filter attributes, their names as they are displayed in Cloudera Manager, their types, and descriptions.

Table 1. Attributes
Display Name

(Attribute Name)

Type Supports Filtering? Description
Allocated Memory


NUMBER FALSE The sum of memory in MB allocated to the application's running containers. Called 'allocated_mb' in searches.
Allocated Memory Seconds


NUMBER TRUE The amount of memory the application has allocated (megabyte-seconds). Called 'allocated_memory_seconds' in searches.
Allocated VCores


NUMBER FALSE The sum of virtual cores allocated to the application's running containers. Called 'allocated_vcores' in searches.
Allocated VCore Seconds


NUMBER TRUE The amount of CPU resources the application has allocated (virtual core-seconds). Called 'allocated_vcore_seconds' in searches.
Application ID


STRING FALSE The ID of the YARN application. Called 'application_id' in searches.
Application State


STRING TRUE The state of this YARN application. This reflects the ResourceManager state while the application is running and the JobHistory Server state after the application has completed. Called 'state' in searches.
Application Tags


STRING FALSE A list of tags for the application. Called 'application_tags' in searches.
Application Type


STRING TRUE The type of the YARN application. Called 'application_type' in searches.
Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE Bytes read. Called 'bytes_read' in searches.
Bytes Written


BYTES TRUE Bytes written. Called 'bytes_written' in searches.
Combine Input Records


NUMBER TRUE Combine input records. Called 'combine_input_records' in searches.
Combine Output Records


NUMBER TRUE Combine output records. Called 'combine_output_records' in searches.
Committed Heap


BYTES TRUE Total committed heap usage. Called 'committed_heap_bytes' in searches.
Completed Maps and Reduces


NUMBER TRUE The number of completed map and reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'tasks_completed' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
CPU Allocation


NUMBER TRUE CPU allocation. This is the sum of 'vcores_millis_maps' and 'vcores_millis_reduces'. Called 'vcores_millis' in searches.
CPU Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE CPU time. Called 'cpu_milliseconds' in searches.
Data Local Maps


NUMBER TRUE Data local maps. Called 'data_local_maps' in searches.
Data Local Maps Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The number of data local maps as a percentage of the total number of maps. Called 'data_local_maps_percentage' in searches.


STRING FALSE Diagnostic information on the YARN application. If the diagnostic information is long, this may only contain the beginning of the information. Called 'diagnostics' in searches.


MILLISECONDS TRUE How long YARN took to run this application. Called 'application_duration' in searches.


BOOLEAN FALSE Whether the YARN application is currently running. Called 'executing' in searches.
Failed Map and Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of failed map and reduce attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'failed_tasks_attempts' in searches. Available only for failed jobs.
Failed Map Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of failed map attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'failed_map_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Failed Maps


NUMBER TRUE Failed maps. Called 'num_failed_maps' in searches.
Failed Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of failed reduce attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'failed_reduce_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Failed Reduces


NUMBER TRUE Failed reduces. Called 'num_failed_reduces' in searches.
Failed Shuffles


NUMBER TRUE Failed shuffles. Called 'failed_shuffle' in searches.
Failed Tasks


NUMBER TRUE The total number of failed tasks. This is the sum of 'num_failed_maps' and 'num_failed_reduces'. Called 'num_failed_tasks' in searches.
Fallow Map Slots Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Fallow map slots time. Called 'fallow_slots_millis_maps' in searches.
Fallow Reduce Slots Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Fallow reduce slots time. Called 'fallow_slots_millis_reduces' in searches.
Fallow Slots Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Total fallow slots time. This is the sum of 'fallow_slots_millis_maps' and 'fallow_slots_millis_reduces'. Called 'fallow_slots_millis' in searches.
File Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE File bytes read. Called 'file_bytes_read' in searches.
File Bytes Written


BYTES TRUE File bytes written. Called 'file_bytes_written' in searches.
File Large Read Operations


NUMBER TRUE File large read operations. Called 'file_large_read_ops' in searches.
File Read Operations


NUMBER TRUE File read operations. Called 'file_read_ops' in searches.
File Write Operations


NUMBER TRUE File write operations. Called 'file_large_write_ops' in searches.
Garbage Collection Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Garbage collection time. Called 'gc_time_millis' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Read


BYTES TRUE HDFS bytes read. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read' in searches.
HDFS Bytes Written


BYTES TRUE HDFS bytes written. Called 'hdfs_bytes_written' in searches.
HDFS Large Read Operations


NUMBER TRUE HDFS large read operations. Called 'hdfs_large_read_ops' in searches.
HDFS Read Operations


NUMBER TRUE HDFS read operations. Called 'hdfs_read_ops' in searches.
HDFS Write Operations


NUMBER TRUE HDFS write operations. Called 'hdfs_write_ops' in searches.
Hive Query ID


STRING FALSE If this MapReduce job ran as a part of a Hive query, this field contains the ID of the Hive query. Called 'hive_query_id' in searches.
Hive Query String


STRING TRUE If this MapReduce job ran as a part of a Hive query, this field contains the string of the query. Called 'hive_query_string' in searches.
Hive Sentry Subject Name


STRING TRUE If this MapReduce job ran as a part of a Hive query on a secured cluster using impersonation, this field contains the name of the user that initiated the query. Called 'hive_sentry_subject_name' in searches.
Input Directory


STRING TRUE The input directory for this MapReduce job. Called 'input_dir' in searches.
Input Split Bytes


BYTES TRUE Input split bytes. Called 'split_raw_bytes' in searches.
Killed Map and Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of map and reduce attempts that were killed by user(s) for this MapReduce job. Called 'killed_tasks_attempts' in searches. Available only for killed jobs.
Killed Map Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of map attempts killed by user(s) for this MapReduce job. Called 'killed_map_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Killed Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of reduce attempts killed by user(s) for this MapReduce job. Called 'killed_reduce_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Launched Map Tasks


NUMBER TRUE Launched map tasks. Called 'total_launched_maps' in searches.
Launched Reduce Tasks


NUMBER TRUE Launched reduce tasks. Called 'total_launched_reduces' in searches.
Map and Reduce Attempts in NEW State


NUMBER TRUE The number of map and reduce attempts in NEW state for this MapReduce job. Called 'new_tasks_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Map Attempts in NEW State


NUMBER TRUE The number of map attempts in NEW state for this MapReduce job. Called 'new_map_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Map Class


STRING TRUE The class used by the map tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'mapper_class' in searches. You can search for the mapper class using the class name alone, for example 'QuasiMonteCarlo$QmcMapper', or the fully qualified classname, for example, 'org.apache.hadoop.examples.QuasiMonteCarlo$QmcMapper'.
Map CPU Allocation


NUMBER TRUE Map CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_maps' in searches.
Map Input Records


NUMBER TRUE Map input records. Called 'map_input_records' in searches.
Map Memory Allocation


NUMBER TRUE Map memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_maps' in searches.
Map Output Bytes


BYTES TRUE Map output bytes. Called 'map_output_bytes' in searches.
Map Output Materialized Bytes


BYTES TRUE Map output materialized bytes. Called 'map_output_materialized_bytes' in searches.
Map Output Records


NUMBER TRUE Map output records. Called 'map_output_records' in searches.
Map Progress


NUMBER TRUE The percentage of maps completed for this MapReduce job. Called 'map_progress' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Maps Completed


NUMBER TRUE The number of map tasks completed as a part of this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_completed' in searches.
Map Slots Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots. Called 'slots_millis_maps' in searches.
Maps Pending


NUMBER TRUE The number of maps waiting to be run for this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_pending' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Maps Running


NUMBER TRUE The number of maps currently running for this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_running' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Maps Total


NUMBER TRUE The number of Map tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_total' in searches.
Memory Allocation


NUMBER TRUE Total memory allocation. This is the sum of 'mb_millis_maps' and 'mb_millis_reduces'. Called 'mb_millis' in searches.
Merged Map Outputs


NUMBER TRUE Merged map outputs. Called 'merged_map_outputs' in searches.


STRING TRUE Name of the YARN application. Called 'name' in searches.
Oozie Workflow ID


STRING FALSE If this MapReduce job ran as a part of an Oozie workflow, this field contains the ID of the Oozie workflow. Called 'oozie_id' in searches.
Other Local Maps


NUMBER TRUE Other local maps. Called 'other_local_maps' in searches.
Other Local Maps Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The number of other local maps as a percentage of the total number of maps. Called 'other_local_maps_percentage' in searches.
Output Directory


STRING TRUE The output directory for this MapReduce job. Called 'output_dir' in searches.
Pending Maps and Reduces


NUMBER TRUE The number of maps and reduces waiting to be run for this MapReduce job. Called 'tasks_pending' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Physical Memory


BYTES TRUE Physical memory. Called 'physical_memory_bytes' in searches.
Pig Script ID


STRING FALSE If this MapReduce job ran as a part of a Pig script, this field contains the ID of the Pig script. Called 'pig_id' in searches.


STRING TRUE The name of the resource pool in which this application ran. Called 'pool' in searches. Within YARN, a pool is referred to as a queue.


NUMBER TRUE The progress reported by the application. Called 'progress' in searches.
Rack Local Maps


NUMBER TRUE Rack local maps. Called 'rack_local_maps' in searches.
Rack Local Maps Percentage


NUMBER TRUE The number of rack local maps as a percentage of the total number of maps. Called 'rack_local_maps_percentage' in searches.
Reduce Attempts in NEW State


NUMBER TRUE The number of reduce attempts in NEW state for this MapReduce job. Called 'new_reduce_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Reduce Class


STRING TRUE The class used by the reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'reducer_class' in searches. You can search for the reducer class using the class name alone, for example 'QuasiMonteCarlo$QmcReducer', or fully qualified classname, for example, 'org.apache.hadoop.examples.QuasiMonteCarlo$QmcReducer'.
Reduce CPU Allocation


NUMBER TRUE Reduce CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_reduces' in searches.
Reduce Input Groups


NUMBER TRUE Reduce input groups. Called 'reduce_input_groups' in searches.
Reduce Input Records


NUMBER TRUE Reduce input records. Called 'reduce_input_records' in searches.
Reduce Memory Allocation


NUMBER TRUE Reduce memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_reduces' in searches.
Reduce Output Records


NUMBER TRUE Reduce output records. Called 'reduce_output_records' in searches.
Reduce Progress


NUMBER TRUE The percentage of reduces completed for this MapReduce job. Called 'reduce_progress' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Reduces Completed


NUMBER TRUE The number of reduce tasks completed as a part of this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_completed' in searches.
Reduce Shuffle Bytes


BYTES TRUE Reduce shuffle bytes. Called 'reduce_shuffle_bytes' in searches.
Reduce Slots Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots. Called 'slots_millis_reduces' in searches.
Reduces Pending


NUMBER TRUE The number of reduces waiting to be run for this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_pending' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Reduces Running


NUMBER TRUE The number of reduces currently running for this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_running' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Reduces Total


NUMBER TRUE The number of reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_total' in searches.
Running Containers


NUMBER FALSE The number of containers currently running for the application. Called 'running_containers' in searches.
Running Map and Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of map and reduce attempts currently running for this MapReduce job. Called 'running_tasks_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Running Map Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of running map attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'running_map_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Running MapReduce Application Information Retrieval Duration.


NUMBER TRUE How long it took, in seconds, to retrieve information about the MapReduce application.
Running Maps and Reduces


NUMBER TRUE The number of maps and reduces currently running for this MapReduce job. Called 'tasks_running' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Running Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of running reduce attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'running_reduce_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Service Name


STRING FALSE The name of the YARN service. Called 'service_name' in searches.
Shuffle Bad ID Errors


NUMBER TRUE Shuffle bad ID errors. Called 'shuffle_errors_bad_id' in searches.
Shuffle Connection Errors


NUMBER TRUE Shuffle connection errors. Called 'shuffle_errors_connection' in searches.
Shuffled Maps


NUMBER TRUE Shuffled maps. Called 'shuffled_maps' in searches.
Shuffle IO Errors


NUMBER TRUE Shuffle IO errors. Called 'shuffle_errors_io' in searches.
Shuffle Wrong Length Errors


NUMBER TRUE Shuffle wrong length errors. Called 'shuffle_errors_wrong_length' in searches.
Shuffle Wrong Map Errors


NUMBER TRUE Shuffle wrong map errors. Called 'shuffle_errors_wrong_map' in searches.
Shuffle Wrong Reduce Errors


NUMBER TRUE Shuffle wrong reduce errors. Called 'shuffle_errors_wrong_reduce' in searches.
Slots Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Total slots time. This is the sum of 'slots_millis_maps' and 'slots_millis_reduces'. Called 'slots_millis' in searches.
Spilled Records


NUMBER TRUE Spilled Records. Called 'spilled_records' in searches.
Successful Map and Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of successful map and reduce attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'successful_tasks_attempts' in searches. Available only for successful jobs.
Successful Map Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of successful map attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'successful_map_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Successful Reduce Attempts


NUMBER TRUE The number of successful reduce attempts for this MapReduce job. Called 'successful_reduce_attempts' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Total Maps and Reduces Number


NUMBER TRUE The number of map and reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'tasks_total' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Total Tasks


NUMBER TRUE The total number of tasks. This is the sum of 'total_launched_maps' and 'total_launched_reduces'. Called 'total_launched_tasks' in searches.
Tracking Url


STRING FALSE The MapReduce application tracking URL.
Uberized Job


BOOLEAN FALSE Whether this MapReduce job is uberized - running completely in the ApplicationMaster. Called 'uberized' in searches. Available only for running jobs.
Unused Memory Seconds


NUMBER TRUE The amount of memory the application has allocated but not used (megabyte-seconds). This metric is calculated hourly if container usage metric aggregation is enabled. Called 'unused_memory_seconds' in searches.
Unused VCore Seconds


NUMBER TRUE The amount of CPU resources the application has allocated but not used (virtual core-seconds). This metric is calculated hourly if container usage metric aggregation is enabled. Called 'unused_vcore_seconds' in searches.
Used Memory Max


NUMBER TRUE The maximum container memory usage for a YARN application. This metric is calculated hourly if container usage metric aggregation is enabled and a Cloudera Manager Container Usage Metrics Directory is specified.


STRING TRUE The user who ran the YARN application. Called 'user' in searches.
Virtual Memory


BYTES TRUE Virtual memory. Called 'virtual_memory_bytes' in searches.
Work CPU Time


MILLISECONDS TRUE Attribute measuring the sum of CPU time used by all threads of the query, in milliseconds. Called 'work_cpu_time' in searches. For Impala queries, CPU time is calculated based on the 'TotalCpuTime' metric. For YARN MapReduce applications, this is calculated from the 'cpu_milliseconds' metric.

Consider the following filter expressions: user = "root", rowsProduced > 0, fileFormats RLIKE ".TEXT.*", and executing = true. In the examples:

  • The filter attributes are user, rowsProduced, fileFormats, and executing.
  • The operators are =, >, and RLIKE.
  • The filter values are root, 0, .TEXT.*, and true.