Encrypting Data at RestPDF version

Transparent Encryption Recommendations for Search

Make /solr an encryption zone. When you create the encryption zone, name the key solr-key to take advantage of auto-generated KMS ACLs.

On a cluster without Solr currently installed, create the /solr directory and make that an encryption zone.

On a cluster with Solr already installed:

  1. Create an empty /solr-tmp directory.
  2. Make /solr-tmp an encryption zone.
  3. DistCp all data from /solr into /solr-tmp.
  4. Remove /solr, and rename /solr-tmp to /solr.

In the KMS ACL, grant the solr user and group DECRYPT_EEK permission for the Solr key:

  <value>solr solr</value>