Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version


The YARN tab displays CPU and memory utilization for YARN application on two tabs: Utilization and Capacity Planning tab.

Table 1. Utilization Tab
CPU Utilization Memory Utilization
Summary section:
  • Average Utilization – Average number of vcores used by YARN applications. The percentage reported is of the total number of vcores configured for YARN.
  • Maximum Utilization – Maximum number of vcores used by YARN applications. The percentage reported is of the total number of vcores configured for YARN.

    Click the drop-down menu next to the date and select View YARN Applications Running at the Time to view details about jobs running when maximum utilization occurred.

  • Average Daily Peak – Average daily peak vcores used by YARN applications. The number is computed by finding the maximum resource consumption per day and calculating the mean. The percentage reported is of the total number of vcores configured for YARN.

    Click View Time Series Chart to view a chart of peak utilization.

Summary section:
  • Average Utilization – Average memory used by YARN applications. The percentage reported is of the total container memory configured for YARN.
  • Maximum Utilization – Maximum memory used by YARN applications. The percentage reported is of the total container memory configured for YARN.

    Click the drop-down menu next to the date and select View YARN Applications Running at the Time to view details about jobs running when maximum utilization occurred.

  • Average Daily Peak – Average daily peak memory used by YARN applications. The number is computed by finding the maximum resource consumption per day and calculating the mean. The percentage reported is of the total container memory configured for YARN.

    Click View Time Series Chart to view a chart of peak utilization.

Utilization by Tenant

Displays overall utilization for each tenant. The tenants can be either pools (queues) or users.

Utilization by tenant is displayed in a table with the following columns:
  • Tenant Name
  • Average Allocation – Average number of vcores allocated to YARN applications of the tenant. The percentage reported is of the total number of vcores configured for YARN.
  • Average Utilization – Average memory used by YARN applications. The percentage reported is of the total container memory configured for YARN.
  • Unused Capacity – Average unused vcores for the tenant. If this number is high, consider allocating less resources for the applications run by this tenant.

Click the right arrow icon in the header row of the table to view utilization charts for all tenants. Click right arrow in a row to view CPU utilization for a single tenant.

Utilization by Tenant

Displays overall utilization for each tenant. The tenants can be either pools (queues) or users.

Utilization by tenant is displayed in a table with the following columns:
  • Tenant Name
  • Average Allocation – Average memory allocated to YARN applications of the tenant. The percentage reported is of the total container memory configured for YARN.
  • Average Utilization – Average memory used by YARN applications. The percentage reported is of the total container memory configured for YARN.
  • Unused Capacity – Average unused memory for the tenant. If this number is high, consider allocating less resources for the applications run by this tenant.

Click the right arrow icon in the header row of the table to view utilization charts for all tenants. Click right arrow in a row to view CPU utilization for a single tenant.

To adjust YARN resources. Go to the YARN service and select Configuration > Category > Resource Management and configure the following properties:
  • vcores: Container Virtual CPU Cores
  • Memory: Container Memory
The Capacity Planning tab displays a table showing how the capacity assigned to YARN Queues affects CPU and memory allocations. The table displays the following columns:
  • Tenant Name
  • Guaranteed Vcores – Displays the guaranteed number of virtual CPU vcores allocated to each tenant based on the configured capacity of the queue.
  • Guaranteed MB – Displays the guaranteed memory in bytes allocated to each tenant based on the configured capacity of the queue.
  • Wait Ratio During Contention – The wait ratio is the average percentage of containers in the YARN pool that were pending when there was at least one pending container in the queue. If a queue running critical applications has a high wait ratio, consider increasing the capacity of that pool. If several pools in the cluster have a high wait ratio, consider adding more hosts to the cluster.