Using Apache FlinkPDF version

Setting up Python for PyFlink

Before you can use Flink with the Python API, it is required to install and configure Python on every relevant node, or create and initialize a Python virtual environment.

  1. Connect to the Flink Gateway node using CLI.
    ssh root@[***FLINK GATEWAY NODE***]
    You are prompted to provide your password to the cluster.
  2. Check the version of Python.
    python --version
    If the command fails or the versions are lower than 3.6, install Python.
  3. Create a python virtual environment using the following command:
    conda create --copy -y -n flink_venv python=3.8
  4. Install PyFlink using the following command:
    python -m pip install apache-flink==1.19.1
  5. Install PyFlink on the YARN NameNode as well using the same steps.

When the Python installation is complete, you can submit Flink application that were created using the Python API.