SQL Stream Builder OverviewPDF version

What is Cloudera SQL Stream Builder?

Cloudera Streaming Analytics offers an easy to use and interactive SQL Stream Builder interface as a service to create queries on streams of data through SQL.

Cloudera SQL Stream Builder is a comprehensive interactive user interface for creating stateful stream processing jobs using SQL. By using SQL, you can simply and easily declare expressions that filter, aggregate, route, and otherwise mutate streams of data. Cloudera SQL Stream Builder is a job management interface that you can use to compose and run SQL on streams, as well as to create durable data APIs for the results.

Cloudera SQL Stream Builder runs Structured Query Language (SQL) statements continuously, this is called Continuous SQL or Streaming SQL. Continuous SQL can run against both bounded and unbounded streams of data. The results are sent to a sink of some type, and can be connected to other applications through a Materialized View interface. Compared to traditional SQL, in Continuous SQL the data has a start, but no end. This means that queries continuously process results. When you define your job in SQL, the SQL statement is interpreted and validated against a schema. After the statement is executed, the results that match the criteria are continuously returned.

Cloudera SQL Stream Builder runs in an interactive fashion where you can quickly see the results of your query and iterate on your SQL syntax. The executed SQL queries run as jobs on the Flink cluster, operating on boundless streams of data until canceled. This allows you to author, launch, and monitor stream processing jobs within Cloudera SQL Stream Builder as every SQL query is a Flink job. You can use Flink and submit Flink jobs without using Java, as Cloudera SQL Stream Builder automatically builds and runs the Flink job in the background.

As a result of Flink integration, you are able to use the basic functionalities offered by Flink. You can choose exactly once processing, process your data stream using event time, save your jobs with savepoints, and use Flink SQL to create tables and use connectors based on your requirements. As a result of the various connectors, you are able to enrich your streaming data with data from slowly changing connectors.