Securing Apache Flink jobs
Submitting Flink jobs in a secure environment requires every security parameter for authentication, authorization and other connector related security settings. You should prepare your keystore and keytab files for Flink and for also the chosen connector component.
Running secure Flink Deployments
flink run -d -p 2 \ -yD security.kerberos.login.keytab=test.keytab \ -yD security.kerberos.login.principal=test \ -yD security.ssl.internal.enabled=true \ -yD security.ssl.internal.keystore=keystore.jks \ -yD security.ssl.internal.key-password=`cat pwd.txt` \ -yD security.ssl.internal.keystore-password=`cat pwd.txt` \ -yD security.ssl.internal.truststore=keystore.jks \ -yD security.ssl.internal.truststore-password=`cat pwd.txt` \ -yt keystore.jks \ flink-secure-tutorial-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ --kafkaTopic flink \ --hdfsOutput hdfs:///tmp/flink-secure-tutorial \ --kafka.bootstrap.servers <broker_host>:9093 \ SASL_SSL \ kafka \ --kafka.ssl.truststore.location /etc/cdep-ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks
> ktutil ktutil: add_entry -password -p test -k 1 -e des3-cbc-sha1 Password for test@: ktutil: wkt test.keytab ktutil: quit
keytool -genkeypair -alias flink.internal -keystore keystore.jks -dname "CN=flink.internal" -storepass `cat pwd.txt` -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -storetype PKCS12
The full explanation of the properties used in the example can be found in the Secure Tutorial. It also includes how to enable security features step-by-step for Flink applications that are running on secured Cloudera Private Cloud Base environments.
Using SPNEGO authentication with Kerberos for Flink Deployments
By default on a kerberized cluster the Flink dashboard is secured by the YARN proxy, which means direct external access to the Flink deployments should be disabled.
Alternatively, it is possible to directly enable SPNEGO for the Flink Dashboard. To secure a session cluster, use the following configuration options:
flink-yarn-session -d -nm [***CLUSTER-NAME***] \ -Dsecurity.kerberos.login.use-ticket-cache=true \ -Dsecurity.spnego.auth.enabled=true \ -Dsecurity.spnego.auth.keytab=[***SERVICE-KEYTAB***] \ -Dsecurity.spnego.auth.principal=[***HTTP PRINCIPAL***] \ -Dyarn.ship-files=[***SERVICE-KEYTAB***]
To run a Flink job on the previously created session cluster, use the following command:
flink run \ -d -t yarn-session \ -yid [***YARN APPLICATION ID***] \ -yD security.spnego.auth.enabled=true \ -yD security.kerberos.login.keytab=[***USER-KEYTAB***] \ -yD security.kerberos.login.principal=[***USER-PRINCIPAL***] \ [***FULL PATH***][***FILENAME***].jar