Dockerfile compatible with PBJ Workbench
This Dockerfile produces a runtime image that is compatible with the PBJ Workbench from a third-party base image.
FROM ubuntu:22.04 USER root # Install Python # Note that the package python-is-python3 will alias python3 as python RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ krb5-user python3.10 python3-pip python-is-python3 ssh xz-utils # Configure pip to install packages under /usr/local # when building the Runtime image RUN pip3 config set install.user false # Install the Jupyter kernel gateway. # The IPython kernel is automatically installed # under the name python3, # so below we set the kernel name to python3. RUN pip3 install "jupyter-kernel-gateway==2.5.2" # Associate uid and gid 8536 with username cdsw RUN \ addgroup --gid 8536 cdsw && \ adduser --disabled-password --gecos "CDSW User" --uid 8536 --gid 8536 cdsw # Set up Python symlink to /usr/local/bin/python3 RUN ln -s $(which python) /usr/local/bin/python3 # Install any additional packages. # apt-get install ... # pip install ... # configure pip to install packages to /home/cdsw # once the Runtime image is loaded into CML # do not install Python packages in the Dockerfile after this line RUN /bin/bash -c "echo -e '[install]\nuser = true'" > /etc/pip.conf # Relax permissions to facilitate installation of Cloudera # client files at startup RUN for i in /bin /opt /usr /usr/share/java; do \ mkdir -p ${i}; \ chown cdsw ${i}; \ chmod +rw ${i}; \ for subfolder in `find ${i} -type d` ; do \ chown cdsw ${subfolder}; \ chmod +rw ${subfolder}; \ done \ done RUN for i in /etc /etc/alternatives; do \ mkdir -p ${i}; \ chmod 777 ${i}; \ done # Set Runtime label and environment variables metadata #ML_RUNTIME_EDITOR and ML_RUNTIME_METADATA_VERSION must not be changed. ENV ML_RUNTIME_EDITOR="PBJ Workbench" \ ML_RUNTIME_METADATA_VERSION="2" \ ML_RUNTIME_KERNEL="Python 3.10" \ ML_RUNTIME_EDITION="Custom Edition" \ ML_RUNTIME_SHORT_VERSION="1.0" \ ML_RUNTIME_MAINTENANCE_VERSION="1" \ ML_RUNTIME_JUPYTER_KERNEL_GATEWAY_CMD="/usr/local/bin/jupyter kernelgateway" \ ML_RUNTIME_JUPYTER_KERNEL_NAME="python3" \ ML_RUNTIME_DESCRIPTION="My first Custom PBJ Runtime" ENV ML_RUNTIME_FULL_VERSION="$ML_RUNTIME_SHORT_VERSION.$ML_RUNTIME_MAINTENANCE_VERSION" LABEL$ML_RUNTIME_EDITOR \$ML_RUNTIME_KERNEL \$ML_RUNTIME_EDITION \$ML_RUNTIME_FULL_VERSION \$ML_RUNTIME_SHORT_VERSION \$ML_RUNTIME_MAINTENANCE_VERSION \$ML_RUNTIME_DESCRIPTION \$ML_RUNTIME_METADATA_VERSION