Upgrading CML workspaces version 1.4.1 to 1.5.0 on OCP
When you upgrade from Private Cloud version 1.4.1 to version 1.5.0, you need to manually upgrade Machine Learning workspaces that are running on OpenShift Container Platform using internal Network File System.
In OpenShift Container Platform Private Cloud 1.5.0, the internal Network File System implementation is changed from using an Network File System provisioner for each workspace, to using a CephFS Volume.
On either Cloudera Embedded Container Service or OpenShift Container Platform, internal workspaces on Private Cloud 1.4.0/1.4.1 use the Network File System server provisioner as a storage provisioner. This server provisioner still works in 1.5.0, however, it is deprecated, and will be removed in 1.5.1.
- Migrate the workspace to CephFS before 1.5.1 is released, or:
- Create a new 1.5.0 workspace, and migrate the workloads to that workspace now.
The manual steps are required if an existing workspace backed by internal Network File System (which was created on Private Cloud 1.4.1 or below) needs to be migrated to CephFS RWX (read, write, many).
- Update OpenShift Container Platform Private Cloud to version 1.5.0.
- Each existing Machine Learning workspace can now be upgraded, although this is optional. If you want to continue using your existing workspaces without upgrading them, then this procedure is not required. This is true for all existing workspaces (both internal and external Network File System).
- If you want to upgrade a workspace, determine first whether the workspace is backed by
internal or external Network File System.
- If the existing workspace is backed by external Network File System, you can upgrade the workspace from the UI. There is no need to follow the rest of this procedure.
- If the existing workspace is backed by internal Network File System, follow this procedure to migrate to CephFS after the workspace upgrade.
- Upgrade the workspace from Cloudera Machine Learning UI.
- Get the
for your Private Cloud cluster. - Suspend the workspace manually so that there are no ongoing read/write operations to the
underlying Network File System. Stop all your running workloads - sessions, jobs,
application, deployments and so forth. Also, scale down
deployments with these commands:kubectl scale -n <workspace-namespace> --replicas=0 deployment ds-vfs
kubectl scale -n <workspace-namespace> --replicas=0 deployment s2i-client
- Create a backup volume for the upgrade process. The backup can either be taken in the cluster
itself or it can also be taken outside in an external Network File System. Substitute your
workspace details where indicated with angle brackets. Start by creating a
file. Add the following content to the file and run it using the command: kubectl apply -f ./backup.yaml- Internal backup:
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: projects-pvc-backup namespace: <existing-workspace-namespace> spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 1 Ti storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
- External backup:
apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: projects-pvc-backup spec: capacity: storage: 1 Ti accessModes: - ReadWriteMany persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain mountOptions: - nfsvers=3 nfs: server: <your-external-nfs-address> path: <your-external-nfs-export-path> volumeMode: Filesystem --- kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: projects-pvc-backup namespace: <existing-workspace-namespace> spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: 1 Ti storageClassName: "" volumeName: projects-pvc-backup volumeMode: Filesystem
- Internal backup:
- Create a
file. Add the following content to the file. With the following Kubernetes job, create a backup of the existing workspace’s Network File System data to the volume that was created in the previous step. Run the job using the command: kubectl apply -f ./migrate.yamlapiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: namespace: <existing-workspace-namespace> name: projects-pvc-backup spec: completions: 1 parallelism: 1 backoffLimit: 10 template: metadata: name: projects-pvc-backup labels: name: projects-pvc-backup spec: restartPolicy: Never containers: - name: projects-pvc-backup image: docker-private.infra.cloudera.com/cloudera_base/ubi8/cldr-ubi-minimal:8.6-751-fips-03062022 tty: true command: [ "/bin/sh" ] args: [ "-c", "microdnf install rsync && rsync -P -a /mnt/old/ /mnt/new && chown -R 8536:8536 /mnt/new;" ] volumeMounts: - name: old-vol mountPath: /mnt/old - name: new-vol mountPath: /mnt/new volumes: - name: old-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: projects-pvc - name: new-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: projects-pvc-backup
- Monitor the previous job for completion. Logs can be retrieved using:
kubectl logs -n <workspace-namespace> -l job-name=projects-pvc-backup
You can check for job completion with:kubectl get jobs -n <workspace-namespace> -l job-name=projects-pvc-backup
- Delete the existing Network File System volume for the workspace.
kubectl delete pvc -n <workspace-namespace> projects-pvc kubectl patch pvc -n <workspace-namespace> projects-pvc -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'
- Modify the underlying Network File System from Network File System provisioner to CephFS RWX
(read, write, many).
- Get the release name for the workspace, using: helm list -n
<workspace-namespace>. For example, in this case
mlx-workspace1 is the release-name.
helm list -n workspace1 WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: ./../piyushecs WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: ./../piyushecs NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION mlx-workspace1 workspace1 4 2023-01-04 08:07:47.075343142 +0000 UTC deployed cdsw-combined-2.0.35-b93
- Save the existing Helm values.
helm get values <release-name> -n <workspace-namespace> -o yaml > old.yaml
- Modify the ProjectsPVCStorageClassName in the
old.yaml file to
and addProjectsPVCSize: 1Ti
.For example:
ProjectsPVCStorageClassName: longhorn-nfs-sc-workspace1
shall be changed toProjectsPVCStorageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
Also, add this to the file:ProjectsPVCSize: 1Ti
. - Get the GitSHA from old.yaml: grep GitSHA
For example:
GitSHA: 2.0.35-b93
- Get the release chart cdsw-combined-<GitSHA>.tgz This is
available in
pod in the namespace at folder/app/service/resources/mlx-deploy/
Contact Cloudera support to download the chart if needed. - Delete the jobs and stateful sets (these are recreated after the helm install):
kubectl --namespace <workspace-namespace> delete jobs --all
kubectl --namespace <workspace-namespace> delete statefulsets --all
- Do a Helm upgrade to the same release.
helm upgrade <release-name> <path to release chart (step e)> --install -f ./old.yaml --wait --namespace <workspace-namespace> --debug --timeout 1800s
- Get the release name for the workspace, using: helm list -n
<workspace-namespace>. For example, in this case
mlx-workspace1 is the release-name.
- Scale down the
deployments with the commands:kubectl scale -n <workspace-namespace> --replicas=0 deployment ds-vfs
kubectl scale -n <workspace-namespace> --replicas=0 deployment s2i-client
- Copy the data from the backup into this upgraded workspace. In order to do this, create a
migrate2.yaml file. Add the following content to the file. Run the
job using the command kubectl apply -f ./migrate2.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: namespace: <existing-workspace-namespace> name: projects-pvc-backup2 spec: completions: 1 parallelism: 1 backoffLimit: 10 template: metadata: name: projects-pvc-backup2 labels: name: projects-pvc-backup2 spec: restartPolicy: Never containers: - name: projects-pvc-backup2 image: docker-private.infra.cloudera.com/cloudera_base/ubi8/cldr-ubi-minimal:8.6-751-fips-03062022 tty: true command: [ "/bin/sh" ] args: [ "-c", "microdnf install rsync && rsync -P -a /mnt/old/ /mnt/new && chown -R 8536:8536 /mnt/new;" ] volumeMounts: - name: old-vol mountPath: /mnt/old - name: new-vol mountPath: /mnt/new volumes: - name: old-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: projects-pvc-backup - name: new-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: projects-pvc
- Monitor the job above for completion. Logs can be retrieved using:
kubectl logs -n <workspace-namespace> -l job-name=projects-pvc-backup2
You can check for job completion with:kubectl get jobs -n <workspace-namespace> -l job-name=projects-pvc-backup2
- Scale up ds-vfs and s2i-client using the command:
kubectl scale -n <workspace-namespace> --replicas=1 deployment ds-vfs
andkubectl scale -n <workspace-namespace> --replicas=1 deployment s2i-client
- The upgraded workspace is ready to use. In case you want to delete the backup, delete the
existing backup volume for the workspace using these commands:
kubectl delete pvc -n <workspace-namespace> projects-pvc-backup kubectl patch pvc -n <workspace-namespace> projects-pvc-backup -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'