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View Backup and Restore Manager

The Backup and Restore Manager appears after you click "View Details" in the "Backup Overview" section on the "Dashboard" page in CDP Private Cloud Data Services Management Console. The "Backups" tab lists all the backups and the "Restores" tab lists all the restore events.

Click New Backup on the Backup and Restore Manager page to initiate a backup event. The page shows the backup entity name and provides the following tabs:

The "Backups" tab in Backup and Restore Manager on the CDP Private Cloud Data Services Management Console lists all the available backups. You can create backups, or perform actions such as restore, delete, or view logs for each back up as necessary.

The following table lists the columns that appear on the Backups tab:

Column name Description
CRN Automatically assigned ID or backupCrn for the backup event. Customer Resource Number (CRN) is the Cloudera-specific identifier provided for the event/job.

Click the CRN to view more details about the event on the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window.

Status Current backup event status.


Backup Name Unique name given to the backup event while initiating the backup event.
Creation Time Timestamp when the backup event was initiated.

The following sample image shows the Backups tab on the Backup and Restore Manager page:

The sample image shows the Backups tab on the Backup and Restore Manager. It shows the backup entity name, list of all backups, the current status of the backup event, the backup name you provided while you initiated the backup, and the timestamp when the backup event started. The Actions menu for each backup event shows Restore, Delete, and View Logs.

You can perform the following actions on each successful backup event:

  • Restore the backup.
  • Delete the backup. This deletes the backup permanently.
  • View Logs opens the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window.

On the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window, you can choose to Restore the backup, Delete the backup, or click Cancel to close the window. The window also shows the following tabs:

Tab Description
  • CRN of the backup event
  • Creation Time and date
  • Completed or Updated Time and date
  • Current Status of the backup event
  • Backup Phase the event is running in (such as in-progress or finished)
  • Backup Name that was assigned to the backup event during creation
  • The Included Namespaces in the backup event
Logs Provides the log details about the backup event.

The following sample image shows the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window:

The sample image shows a modal window that provides more details about the backup event. The window title is the backup event name and the window has Details tab and Logs tab. The Details tab shows the CRN, creation time or backup event start timestamp, updated time or completion time, current status of the event, the backup phase of the event, the backup name you provided when you initiated the backup event, and namespaces that are included in the backup event.

The "Restores" tab in Backup and Restore Manager on the CDP Private Cloud Data Services Management Console lists all the available restore events.

The following table lists the columns that appear on the Restores tab:

Column name Description

Automatically assigned ID or restoreCrn for the restore event.

When you click the CRN, the Restore Details modal window appears.

Status Current restore event status as COMPLETED or FAILED.
Creation Time Timestamp when the restore event is initiated.
Backup CRN

CRN of the backup event that is being restored.

When you click the Backup CRN, the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window appears.

The following sample image shows the Restores tab on the Backup and Restore Manager page:
The sample image shows the Restores tab on the Backup and Restore Manager. It shows the restore backup entity name, list of all restores, the current status of the restore event, the timestamp when the restore event started, and the backup CRN of the backup event.

When you click the CRN of a restore event, the following tabs appear on the Restore Details modal window:

Column name Description
  • CRN of the restore event
  • Creation Time and date of the restore event
  • Completed or Updated Time and date of the restore event
  • Current Status of the restore event
  • The Restore Phase the event is running in (such as in-progress, pending, failed, or finished)
  • Associated Backup CRN of the backup event that was restored
  • The Included Namespaces in the restore event
  • Warnings or Errors.

    When a warning appears, you can continue to use the backup or restore event. However, it is advisable to scrutinize the warning to avoid any potential issues. Errors appear if the restore event has failed.

Logs Provides the log details about the backup event.

The following sample image shows the Restore Details modal window:

The sample image shows a modal window that provides more details about the restore event. The window has Details tab and Logs tab. The Details tab shows the CRN, creation time, updated time or completion time, current status of the event, the restore phase of the event, the associated backup CRN, and namespaces that are included in the restore event.