Monitoring and AlertsPDF version

Exporting your time series data into a another storage system

Learn how to create remote storage configurations that can be added to one or multiple Prometheus instances that enable the export of the Prometheus time series data into another storage system. This enables you to view the metrics collected on your environment, Control Plane, or both, in your own Observability system at a later time.

Describes how to create a metrics configuration that sends the metrics gathered from either your environment, Control Plane, or both to your remote storage. You can then view the replication health and related metrics from the Cloudera Monitoring Grafana remote storage dashboards:
  • The Control Plane Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard, which enables you to inspect the overall health of your Prometheus remote storage by visually displaying information about the CDP Control Plane’s Prometheus metric replication status.
  • The Environment Prometheus Remote Storage Stats Dashboard, which enables you to inspect the overall health of your Environment’s remote storage by visually displaying information about your Environment's Prometheus metric replication status.
  1. Verify that you are logged in to the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) console as a user with EnvironmentAdmin privileges.
  2. From the Your Enterprise Data Cloud landing page, select the Management Console tile.

    The Management Console home page opens.

  3. From the Navigation panel, select Administration and then select the Metrics tab.
  4. Click Add Metrics Configuration.
    The Add Configuration dialog box opens.
  5. In the Name field, enter a unique name that is easily identifiable for the remote storage configuration.
  6. In the Address field, enter the endpoint URL of the remote storage system where the metrics are to be sent.
  7. From the Source list, select the Management Console services you require for the configuration. By default, the Control Plane and all environments option is enabled.
  8. Verify that the Enabled toggle switch is set to On.
  9. From the Auth Method section, select the authentication access option that is required to access your remote storage. By default None is enabled:
    • If you require no authentication access, do nothing.
    • If you require authentication access using a username and password, select Basic and then enter the username and password that can access your remote storage in the aforementioned fields.
    • If you require authentication access with a bearer token, select Header and in the Type field, enter the authentication header type, such as Bearer, and in the Credentials field, enter the access key credentials.
  10. (Optional) In the Custom Headers Name and Value fields, enter the HTTP header key-value pairs that are included as part of the remote write request.
  11. (Optional) To change the TLS settings between CDP Private Cloud and your remote storage, expand the Advanced Options section and do one of the following:
    • If you do not require a secure connection between your CDP Private Cloud deployment and the server that hosts your remote storage, set the Skip TLS verification (insecure) switch to On.
    • If you require a mutual TLS verification between your CDP Private Cloud deployment and the server that hosts your remote storage, set the Skip TLS verification (insecure) switch to Off and provide the following credentials:
      1. In the Client Certificate field, enter your client identification credentials that authenticates access to the server that hosts your remote storage.
      2. In the Client Key field, enter the private key that encrypts communication between CDP Private Cloud and the server that hosts your remote storage.
      3. In the Server Name field, enter the IP address of the server on which your remote storage system is installed.
  12. Click Add Configuration.
    The configuration is created and is displayed in the Metrics table, which displays the Status, Name, Address, Authentication Method, and the Source for your remote configuration.
  13. To edit, disable, or remove a configuration, in the Metrics table, click the configuration’s ellipsis icon and select the required action.
  14. (Optional) To view the replication status and related metrics in the pre-built Cloudera Monitoring Grafana dashboards do one or more of the following:
    • To visually display the Control Plane Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard:
      1. From the Navigation panel in Management Console, select Dashboard and then click Monitoring Dashboard.

        The CDP Control Plane dashboard opens.

      2. Locate the Control Plane Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard by clicking the current dashboard’s title, and then either selecting the dashboard from the General list, or in the Search field, enter the name of the dashboard and press Enter.

        The Control Plane Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard opens.

    • To visually display the Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard for an environment:
      1. From the Navigation panel in the Management Console, select Environments.
      2. Locate the environment required and in it's row, click Monitoring Dashboard.

        The environment's Cloudera Grafana Overview dashboard opens.

      3. Locate the Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard for the environment you require by clicking the current dashboard’s title, and then either selecting the dashboard from the General list, or in the Search field, enter the environment name and from the list that appears, select the environment's Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard.

        The environment's Prometheus Remote Storage Stats dashboard opens.