Data RecoveryPDF version

Using DRS with CDW

You can back up and restore Kubernetes namespaces behind Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) entities (for example, Database Catalogs, Virtual Warehouses) on demand using the Data Recovery Service (DRS). CDW leverages DRS and provides CDP CLI endpoints which you can use to create and restore backups for CDW namespaces to back up CDW metadata and configurations such as Kubernetes objects, persistent volumes, autoscaling configuration, and so on.

The following limitations apply for CDW data service if you are on Embedded Container Service (ECS) or using an embedded database on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform:

  • The embedded database that CDW uses is part of the Cloudera Control Plane. You cannot back up only CDW-related entities from the embedded database using the dw create-backup command. You must take a backup of the Cloudera Control Plane service.
  • You must restore the entire Cloudera Control Plane configurations to restore configurations stored in the CDW database. This recreates the Cloudera Control Plane namespace.
The following table lists the commands and CLI endpoints for backing up and restoring Kubernetes namespaces behind CDW entities:
DRS sub-commands for CDW Description
create-backup Creates an on-demand backup for the Data Warehouse including Kubernetes objects, persistent volumes, and so on. Backup requests are processed asynchronously and instantaneously.
delete-backup Deletes an existing Data Warehouse backup. The call returns immediately. It returns a delete CRN, which is the deletion process identifier.
describe-backup Returns the description of an existing Data Warehouse backup.
restore-backup Restores the state of the Data Warehouse from an existing backup. It returns a restore CRN, which is the identifier of the restoration process.
describe-restore Returns the description of the Data Warehouse restore operation.
list-backup-entities Lists potential backup entities associated with the Data Warehouse.
list-backups Lists backups associated with the Data Warehouse.
list-restores Lists restores associated with the Data Warehouse.
get-logs Returns the job logs corresponding to the specified CRN.