Fixed Issues in Streams Messaging Manager

This section lists the issues that have been fixed since the previous version.

Bug ID: CDPD-10771
Apache JIRA: N/A
Apache Component: N/A
Summary: CPU usage chart showing incorrect values for brokers in CM.

Bug ID: CDPD-14341

Apache JIRA: N/A
Apache Component: N/A
Summary: When SMM fails to fetch metrics from CM, this failure must be saved and displayed when the user accesses the SMM UI.

Bug ID: CDPD-14930

Apache JIRA: N/A
Apache Component: N/A
Summary: For certain time periods, metrics such as Bytes In, Bytes out, Messages In are displaying incorrect value. This is due to CM metrics rollup where granularity of more than 1 min causes metrics to lose metric information resulting in incorrect calculation.

Bug ID: OPSAPS-55940

Apache JIRA: N/A
Apache Component: N/A
Summary: SchemaRegistry and SMM used to come pre-packaged with the mysql jar file. This file needed to be located under the ./bootstrap/libs and ./libs dirs in order for the startup script to find them. The mysql connector JARs are not found in the libs folders.

Bug ID: OPSAPS-56328

Apache JIRA: N/A
Apache Component: N/A
Summary: Setting Kafka Connect default ports to be non ephemeral ports.