Apache Ranger AuthorizationPDF version

Import tag-based policies

How to import tag-based policies.

  1. On the Tag Based Policies page, click one of the Import icons:
    The Import Policy page appears.
  2. Select the file to import.
    You can only import policies in JSON format.
  3. (Optional) Configure the import operation:
    1. The Override Policy option deletes all policies of the destination repositories.
    2. Zone Mapping – when no destination is selected, all services are imported. When a destination is selected, only the services associated with that security zone are imported.
    3. Service Mapping maps the downloaded file repository, i.e. source repository to destination repository. You can use the red x symbols to remove services from the import. Scroll down to view all service mappings.

  4. Click Import.
    A confirmation message appears after the file is imported.