Apache NiFi
You can use Apache NiFi to develop, manage, and monitor data flows. This information walks you through the basics of how to get started using the NiFi interface and build a data flow, and how to manage and monitor data flows you have created.
Using the Apache NiFi Interface
Describes the components of the Apache NiFi user interface.
Building an Apache NiFi DataFlow
Provides an overview of how to build an Apache NiFi data flow.
Managing an Apache NiFi DataFlow
Describes how to manage an Apache NiFi data flow.
Navigating an Apache NiFi DataFlow.
Describes how to navigate within the components of an Apache NiFi data flow.
Monitoring an Apache NiFi DataFlow
Describes the tools you have to monitor an Apache NiFi data flow.
Versioning an Apache NiFi DataFlow
Describes how to connect to NiFi Registry and version data flows on the process group level.
Using Apache NiFi Templates
Describes how to use Apache NiFi templates within a data flow.
Using Apache NiFi Provenance Tools
Describes how to use Apache NiFi to monitor FlowFile provenance.
Adding functionality to Apache NiFi
Describes how developers can customize and contribute to Apache NiFi and how to develop more complex data flows.