What's New in Cloudera Streaming Analytics
Learn about the new Cloudera Streaming Analytics features in Cloudera DataFlow for Cloudera Data Hub 7.3.1.
- Rebase to Apache Flink 1.19.1
- Apache Flink 1.19.1 is supported in the Cloudera Streaming Analytics 7.3.1 cluster definition.
For more information on what is included in the Apache Flink 1.19.1 version, see the Apache Flink 1.19.1 Release Announcementand Release Notes.
- Support for Python UDFs in Cloudera SQL Stream Builder
This feature allows customers to start using Python for creating User-Defined Functions (UDFs). Cloudera recommends that customers start using Python UDFs for all new developments, and start migrating their JavaScript UDFs to Python to prepare for future upgrades, as Javascript UDFs will be removed in the future due to the deprecation of the Nashorn engine used in JDK 8 and 11.
For more information on using Python UDFs, see Python UDFs. For more information on supported JDK versions, refer to the Support Matrix.
- Global logging configuration for Cloudera SQL Stream Builder jobs
A new global settings view has been enabled, which currently includes log4j configuration of Flink jobs started on SSB. Users with SSB administrator rights can set a default logging configuration applied to all SSB jobs , which can be overridden at the job level.
For more information see Adjusting logging configuration in Advanced Settings.
- Customizable default Kafka TrustStore configuration in Streaming SQL Console
- Customizing default Kafka TrustStore configurations was added to Streaming SQL Console. Kafka TrustStore can be configured during adding Kafka as a Data Source on the UI.