Use cases for Streams Replication Manager in Cloudera Public CloudPDF version

Replicating data from on premises to cloud with Streams Replication Manager on premises

You can set up and configure an instance of Streams Replication Manager running in a Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster to replicate data between the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster and a Cloudera Data Hub cluster. In addition, you can use Streams Messaging Manager to monitor the replication process.

Consider the following replication scenario.

In this scenario, data is replicated from a Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster that has Kafka, Streams Replication Manager, and Streams Messaging Manager deployed on it. This is a secure cluster that has TLS/SSL encryption and Kerberos authentication enabled. In addition, it uses Ranger for authorization.

Data is being replicated from this cluster by Streams Replication Manager deployed in this cluster to a Cloudera Data Hub cluster.

The Cloudera Data Hub cluster is provisioned with one of the default Streams Messaging cluster definitions.

This example scenario does not go into detail on how to set up the clusters and assumes the following.

  • A Cloudera Data Hub provisioned with the Streams Messaging Light Duty or Heavy Duty cluster definition is available.

    For more information, see Setting up your Streams Messaging cluster in the CDF for Data Hub library. Alternatively, you can also review the cloud provider specific cluster creation instructions available in the Cloudera Data Hub library.

  • A Cloudera Private Cloud Base Base cluster with Kafka, Streams Replication Manager, and Streams Messaging Manager is available. This cluster is TLS/SSL and Kerberos enabled. In addition, it uses Ranger for authorization.

    For more information, see the Cloudera Private Cloud Base Installation Guide.

  • Network connectivity and DNS resolution are established between the clusters.
  • This example scenario demonstrates the configuration required to enable replication monitoring of the Cloudera Data Hub cluster with Streams Messaging Manager. This can be done by configuring the Streams Replication Manager Service role to target (monitor) the Cloudera Data Hub cluster. This is done as the last step in the following list of steps and is marked optional. This is because enabling replication monitoring of the Cloudera Data Hub cluster results in a number of caveats. The caveats are the following.
    • The Streams Replication Manager Service role will generate additional cloud traffic.

      Any extra traffic you might have in your cloud deployment can lead to additional cloud costs.

    • The replications tab in Streams Messaging Manager will display all replications targeting the Cloudera Data Hub cluster.

      Although this is expected, you must understand that all other pages in Streams Messaging Manager will display information regarding the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster. A setup like this might lead to confusion or mislead users on what this specific instance of Streams Messaging Manager is monitoring.

    • You will lose the ability to monitor the replications targeting the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.

      This is only critical if you have any existing replications that are targeting the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster and you are monitoring these replications with the Streams Messaging Manager instance running in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.

  1. Create a machine user for Streams Replication Manager in Cloudera Management Console.
    A machine user is required so that Streams Replication Manager has credentials that it can use to connect to the Kafka service in the Cloudera Data Hub cluster.
    1. Navigate to Management Console > User Management.
    2. Click Actions > Create Machine User.
    3. Enter a unique name for the user and click Create.
      For example: srm
      After the user is created, you are presented with a page that displays the user details.
    4. Click Set Workload Password.
    5. Type a password in the Password and Confirm Password fields. Leave the Environment field blank.
    6. Click Set Workload Password.
      A message appears on successful password creation.
  2. Grant the machine user access to your environment.
    You must grant the machine user access to your environment for Streams Replication Manager to connect to the Kafka service with this user.
    1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where your Kafka cluster is located.
    2. Click Actions > Manage Access.
      Use the search box to find and select the machine user you want to use.
      A list of Resource Roles appears.
    3. Select the EnvironmentUser role and click Update Roles.
    4. Go back to the Environment Details page and click Actions > Synchronize Users to FreeIPA.
    5. On the Synchronize Users page, click Synchronize Users.
      Synchronizing users ensures that the role assignment is in effect for the environment.
  3. Add Ranger permissions for the user you created for Streams Replication Manager in the Cloudera Data Hub cluster.
    You must to grant the necessary privileges to the user so that the user can access Kafka resources. This is configured through Ranger policies.
    1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where your Kafka cluster is located.
    2. Click the Ranger link on the Environment Details page.
    3. Select the resource-based service corresponding to the Kafka resource in the Cloudera Data Hub cluster.
    4. Add the Workload User Name of the user you created for Streams Replication Manager to the following Ranger policies.
      • All - consumergroup
      • All - topic
      • All - transactionalid
      • All - cluster
      • All - delegationtoken
  4. Ensure that Ranger permissions exist for the streamsrepmgr user in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
    1. Access the Cloudera Manager instance of your Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
    2. Go to Ranger > Ranger Admin Web UI.
    3. Log in to the Ranger Console (Ranger Admin Web UI).
    4. Ensure that the streamsrepmgr user is added to all required policies.
      If the user is missing, add it. The required policies are as follows.
      • All - consumergroup
      • All - topic
      • All - transactionalid
      • All - cluster
      • All - delegationtoken
  5. Create a truststore on the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
    A truststore is required so that the Streams Replication Manager instance running in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster can trust the secure Cloudera Data Hub cluster. To do this, you extract the FreeIPA certificate from the Cloudera environment, create a truststore that includes the certificate, and copy the truststore to all hosts on the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
    1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where your Kafka cluster is located.
    2. Go to the FreeIPA tab.
    3. Click Get FreeIPA Certificate.
      The FreeIPA certificate file, [***ENVIRONMENT NAME***].crt, is downloaded to your computer.
    4. Run the following command to create the truststore.
      keytool \
        -importcert \
        -storetype JKS \
        -noprompt \
        -keystore datahub-truststore.jks \
        -storepass [***PASSWORD***] \
        -alias freeipa-ca \
        -file [***PATH TO FREEIPA CERTIFICATE***]
    5. Copy the datahub-truststore.jks file to a common location on all the hosts in your Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
      Cloudera recommends that you use the following location: /opt/cloudera/security/datahub-truststore.jks.
    6. Set the correct file permissions.
      Use 751 for the directory and 444 for the truststore file.
  6. Access the Cloudera Manager instance of your Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
  7. Define the external Kafka cluster (the Cloudera Data Hub cluster).
    1. Go to Administration > External Accounts.
    2. Go to the Kafka Credentials tab.
      On this tab you will create a credential for each external cluster taking part in the replication process.
    3. Click Add Kafka credentials.
    4. Configure the Kafka credentials.
      In the case of this example, you must create a single credential representing the Cloudera Data Hub cluster. For example:
      Bootstrap servers=[**MY-CLOUDERA-DATA-HUB-CLUSTER-HOST-1.COM:9093***],[***MY-CLOUDERA-DATA-HUB-CLUSTER-HOST-1.COM:9093***]
      Security Protocol=SASL_SSL
      JAAS Secret 1=[***WORKLOAD USER NAME***]
      JAAS Secret 2=[***MACHINE USER PASSWORD***]
      JAAS required username="##JAAS_SECRET_1##" password="##JAAS_SECRET_2##"; 
      SASL Mechanism=PLAIN
      Truststore Password=[***PASSWORD***] 
      Truststore Path=/opt/cloudera/security/datahub-truststore.jks
      Truststore type=JKS
    5. Click Add.
      If credential creation is successful, a new entry corresponding to the Kafka credential you specified appears on the page.
  8. Define the co-located Kafka cluster (the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster).
    1. In Cloudera Manager, go to Clusters and select the Streams Replication Manager service.
    2. Go to Configuration.
    3. Find and enable the Kafka Service property.
    4. Find and configure the Streams Replication Manager Co-located Kafka Cluster Alias property.
      The alias you configure represents the co-located cluster. Enter an alias that is unique and easily identifiable. For example:
    5. Enable relevant security feature toggles.
      Because the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster is both TLS/SSL and Kerberos enabled, you must enable all feature toggles for both the Streams Replication Manager Driver and Service roles. The feature toggles are the following.
      • Enable TLS/SSL for SRM Driver
      • Enable TLS/SSL for SRM Service
      • Enable Kerberos Authentication
  9. Add both clusters to the configuration of Streams Replication Manager.
    1. Find and configure the External Kafka Accounts property.
      Add the name of all Kafka credentials you created to this property. This can be done by clicking the add button to add a new line to the property and then entering the name of the Kafka credential. For example:
    2. Find and configure the Streams Replication Manager Cluster alias property.
      Add all cluster aliases to this property. This includes the aliases present in both the External Kafka Accounts and Streams Replication Manager Co-located Kafka Cluster Alias properties. Delimit the aliases with commas. For example:
  10. Configure replications.

    In this example data is replicated unidirectionally. As a result, only a single replication must be configured.

    1. Find the Streams Replication Manager's Replication Configs property.
    2. Click the add button and add new lines for each unique replication you want to add and enable.
    3. Add and enable your replications. For example:
  11. Configure Streams Replication Manager Driver and Service role targets.
    1. Find and configure the Streams Replication Manager Service Target Cluster property.
      Add the co-located cluster's alias to the property. For example:

      Setting this property to cdppvc does not enable you to monitor the replications targeting the Cloudera Data Hub cluster. It is possible to add the Cloudera Data Hub cluster alias to this property and as a result monitor the Cloudera Data Hub cluster. However, this can lead to unwanted behaviour. See the Before you begin section for more information.

    2. Find and configure the Streams Replication Manager Driver Target Cluster property.
      For example:
  12. Configure the srm-control tool.
    1. Click Gateway in the Filters pane.
    2. Find and configure the following properties.
      • SRM Client's Secure Storage Password: [***PASSWORD***]
      • Environment Variable Holding SRM Client's Secure Storage Password: SECURESTOREPASS
      • SRM Client's Kerberos Principal Name: [***MY KERBEROS PRINCIPAL****]
      • SRM Client's Kerberos Keytab Location: [***PATH TO KEYTAB FILE***]
      Take note of the password you configure in SRM Client's Secure Storage Password and the name you configure in Environment Variable Holding SRM Client's Secure Storage Password. You will need to provide both of these in your CLI session before running the tool.
    3. Click Save Changes.
    4. Restart the Streams Replication Manager service.
    5. Deploy client configuration for Streams Replication Manager.
  13. Start the replication process using the srm-control tool.
    1. SSH as an administrator to any of the Streams Replication Manager hosts in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
    2. Set the secure storage password as an environment variable.
      Replace [***SECURE STORAGE ENV VAR***] with the name of the environment variable you specified in Environment Variable Holding SRM Client's Secure Storage Password. Replace [***SECURE STORAGE PASSWORD***] with the password you specified in SRM Client's Secure Storage Password. For example:
      export SECURESTOREPASS=”mypassword"
    3. Use the srm-control tool with the topics subcommand to add topics to the allow list.
      srm-control topics --source cdppvc --target datahub --add [***TOPIC NAME***]
    4. Use the srm-control tool with the groups subcommand to add groups to the allow list.
      srm-control groups --source cdppvc --target datahub --add ".*"
  14. Optional: Configure replication monitoring of the Cloudera Data Hub cluster.
    1. Access the Cloudera Manager instance of your Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster.
    2. In Cloudera Manager, go to Clusters and select the Streams Replication Manager service.
    3. Go to Configuration.
    4. Find and configure the Streams Replication Manager Service Target Cluster property.
      Replace the alias set in the property with the Cloudera Data Hub cluster's alias. For example:
    5. Click Save Changes.
    6. Restart the Streams Replication Manager service.
    7. Access the Streams Messaging Manager UI in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base cluster and go to the Cluster Replications page.
      The replications you set up will be visible on this page.