Unable to read Sqoop metastore created by an older HSQLDB version
After upgrading to certain Cloudera versions, you may encounter issues in reading the Sqoop metastore that was created using an older version of HyperSQL Database (HSQLDB). Learn how to upgrade the Sqoop metastore to resolve this issue.
Cloudera upgraded the HSQLDB dependency in the
following versions to the newest HSQLDB 2.7.1 version:
- CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.7 SP2
- CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.8 Cumulative hotfix 4
- CDP Public Cloud 7.2.16
The version upgrade causes incompatibility issues in Sqoop jobs that are stored in HSQLDB. Therefore, the Sqoop metastore should be upgraded after you upgrade to the above-mentioned Cloudera versions or higher.
Choose one of the following procedures based on how the Sqoop metastore is created: