Migrating Data Using SqoopPDF version

Import command options

You can use Sqoop command options to import data into Apache Hive.

Table 1. Sqoop Command Options for Importing Data into Hive
Sqoop Command Option Description
--hive-home <directory> Overrides $HIVE_HOME.
--hive-import Imports tables into Hive using Hive's default delimiters if none are explicitly set.
--hive-overwrite Overwrites existing data in the Hive table.
--create-hive-table Creates a hive table during the operation. If this option is set and the Hive table already exists, the job will fail. Set to false by default.
--hive-create-table-statement Specifies a custom CREATE TABLE statement that Sqoop uses during the Hive table creation process.
--hive-table <table_name> Specifies the table name to use when importing data into Hive.
--hive-table-property Specifies custom Hive table properties for the CREATE TABLE statement that Sqoop uses during the Hive table creation process.
--hive-drop-import-delims Drops the delimiters \n, \r, and \01 from string fields when importing data into Hive.
--hive-delims-replacement Replaces the delimiters \n, \r, and \01 from strings fields with a user-defined string when importing data into Hive.
--hive-partition-key Specifies the name of the Hive field on which a sharded database is partitioned.
--hive-partition-value <value> A string value that specifies the partition key for data imported into Hive.
--map-column-hive <map> Overrides the default mapping from SQL type to Hive type for configured columns.
--beeline-args Enables you to include additional Beeline arguments while importing data into Hive.
--hive-jdbc-arg Enables you to specify custom Hive JDBC arguments, such as Hive session variables, user variables, and configuration values.