Apache Ranger AuthorizationPDF version

Apply custom transformation to a column

In this section, you find the details of Apache Ranger policy to set a custom expression to transform the value of name_first column.

Data before transformation
The following example shows the data before transformation:
| id  | name_first  | name_last  | addr_country  | date_of_birth  | phone_num    |
|  1  | Mackenzy    | Smith      | US            | 1993-12-18     | 123-456-7890 |
|  2  | Sherlyn     | Miller     | US            | 1975-03-22     | 234-567-8901 |
|  3  | Khiana      | Wilson     | US            | 1989-08-14     | 345-678-9012 |
|  4  | Jack        | Thompson   | US            | 1962-10-28     | 456-789-0123 |
|  5  | Felix       | Lee        | CA            | 1982-04-17     | 321-654-0987 |
|  6  | Adam        | Brown      | CA            | 1995-09-07     | 432-765-1098 |
|  7  | Lucas       | Jones      | CA            | 1999-02-06     | 543-876-2109 |
Policy details
Add a policy with the following details to specify the expression, initcap(reverse({col})), to transform name_first column values. Ensure that the data type of the expression is same as the data type of the column. Token ‘{col}’ in the expression will be replaced by Apache Ranger policy engine by the name of the column on which masking is being applied.

Query Results
The query result shows transformed value name_first column, as shown in the following example:
[john@localhost ~]# beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost.localdomain:10000/cust
0: jdbc:hive2://localhost.localdomain:10000> select * from cust.customer;
| id  | name_first  | name_last  | addr_country  | date_of_birth  | phone_num    |
| 1   | Yznekcam    | Smith      | US            | 1993-12-18     | 123-456-7890 |
| 2   | Nylrehs     | Miller     | US            | 1975-03-22     | 234-567-8901 |
| 3   | Anaihk      | Wilson     | US            | 1989-08-14     | 345-678-9012 |
| 4   | Kcaj        | Thompson   | US            | 1962-10-28     | 456-789-0123 |
| 5   | Xilef       | Lee        | CA            | 1982-04-17     | 321-654-0987 |
| 6   | Mada        | Brown      | CA            | 1995-09-07     | 432-765-1098 |
| 7   | Sacul       | Jones      | CA            | 1999-02-06     | 543-876-2109 |