Monitoring Apache KuduPDF version

Enable core dump for the Kudu service

If Kudu crashes, you can use Cloudera Manager to generate a core dump to get more information about the crash.

  1. Go to the Kudu service.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Search for core dump.
  4. Check the checkbox for the Enable Core Dump property.
  5. (Optional) Unless otherwise configured, the dump file is generated in the default core dump directory, /var/log/kudu, for both the Kudu master and the tablet servers.
    • To configure a different dump directory for the Kudu master, modify the value of the Kudu Master Core Dump Directory property.
    • To configure a different dump directory for the Kudu tablet servers, modify the value of the Kudu Tablet Server Core Dump Directory property.
  6. Click Save Changes.