Integrating with Schema RegistryPDF version

NiFi record-based Processors and Controller Services

Learn about the NiFi Processors and Controller Services that facilitate converting events from one file format to another.

The RecordReader and RecordWriter Processors and Controller Services allow you to convert events from one file format (JSON, XML, CSV, Avro) to another (JSON, XML, CSV, Avro). These Controller Services use Schema Registry to fetch the schema for the event to perform this conversion.

NiFi includes the following RecordReader and RecordWriter Processors:
  • ConsumeKafkaRecord_0_10 1.2.0
  • ConvertRecord
  • PublishKafkaRecord_0_10
  • PutDatabaseRecord
  • QueryRecord
  • SplitRecord
NiFi also includes the following record-based Controller Services:
  • HortonworksSchemaRegistry
  • AvroRecordSetWriter
  • CSVRecordSetWriter
  • FreeFormTextRecordSetWriter
  • JsonRecordSetWriter
  • ScriptedRecordSetWriter