Using Hue scripts
Hue scripts help you to share workflows, set up default editors, change ownership of documents, and test the backend processes using cURL commands. The Hue scripts are included with Cloudera.
Sharing workflows with users and groups
Use the following command to share workflows with users and groups:
./build/env/bin/hue share_all_workflows --owner [***OWNER-NAME***] --sharegroups [***GROUP1/USER1***],[***GROUP2/USER2***] --permissions read,write
To share users, use the --shareusers
option instead of the
Changing the document owner
Use the following command to change the owner of the Hue documents:
./build/env/bin/hue change_owner_of_docs --olduser [***OLD-USER-NAME***] --newuser [***NEW-USER-NAME***]
Testing the backend using cURL
Use the following command to get the syntax for the backend cURL commands or to test the
./build/env/bin/hue get_backend_curl --showcurl --testname [***SERVICE-NAME-WHERE-TEST-NEEDS-TO-BE-PERFORMED***] --service [***COMMA-SEPARATED-SERVICES-TO-TEST]
Replace [***SERVICE-NAME***]
with the name of the service where you want to
perform the test. Replace [***COMMA-SEPARATED-SERVICES-TO-TEST***]
with options
or services such as all
, httpfs
, solr
, rm
, jhs
, sparkhs
and so on.
Setting the default editor in Hue
Use the following command to set the default editor in Hue:
./build/env/bin/hue set_default_editor --hive/impala --username [***USERNAME***]
The default value for the username is all