Using YARN Web UI and CLIPDF version

Viewing the Cluster Overview

The Cluster Overview page shows cluster resource usage by applications and queues, information about finished and running applications, and usage of memory and vCores in the cluster.

Cluster Resource Usage by Applications
Displays the percentage of cluster resources in use by applications and the percentage available for usage.
Cluster Resource Usage by Leaf Queues
Displays the percentage of cluster resources in use by leaf queues and the percentage available for usage.
Finished Apps From All Users
Displays the number of completed, killed, and failed applications.
Monitor Running Apps
Displays the number of pending and running applications.
memory-mb - Usages
Displays the amount of used and available memory.
vcores - Usages
Displays the number of used and available virtual cores.
Monitor Node Managers

Displays the status of the Node Managers under the following categories:

  • Active
  • Unhealthy
  • Decommissioning
  • Decommissioned