How to run a stored procedure from Hue in Cloudera Data Hub
HPL/SQL allows you to implement business logic using variables, expressions, flow-of-control statements, and iterations. HPL/SQL makes SQL-on-Hadoop more dynamic. You can leverage your existing procedural SQL skills, and use functions and statements to make your typical ETL development more productive. Hue provides a smart interface to run stored procedures.
The following example creates a procedure and returns records by passing a
print 'Hello world';/ CREATE PROCEDURE greet(name STRING) BEGIN PRINT 'Hello ' || name; END;/ CREATE PROCEDURE even(cur OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) BEGIN OPEN cur FOR SELECT n FROM NUMBERS WHERE MOD(n, 2) == 0; END;/ CREATE PROCEDURE set_message(IN name STRING, OUT result STRING) BEGIN SET result = 'Hello, ' || name || '!'; END; -- Call the procedure and print the results DECLARE str STRING; CALL set_message('world', str); PRINT str;