Fixed Issues in Streams Messaging

Review the list of Streams Messaging issues that are resolved in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.3.1.


CDPD-65649: ReplicaAlterLogDirs stuck with Offset mismatch for the future replica
This is a backported fix, see KAFKA-9087 for more information.
CDPD-66986: Mirrormaker 2 auto.offset.reset=latest not working
This is a backported fix, see KAFKA-13988 for more information.
OPSAPS-71258: Kafka, Streams Replication Manager, and Streams Messaging Manager cannot process messages compressed with Zstd or Snappy is /tmp is mounted as noexec
The issue is fixed by using JVM flags that point to a different temporary folder for extracting the native library.
CDPD-71433: Connect logical type null values are not handled in AvroConnectTranslator
When the time.precision.mode property is set to connect for the Debezium connector, the connect logical types are used and null values are now handled.
OPSAPS-69481: Some Kafka Connect metrics missing from Cloudera Manager due to conflicting definitions
Cloudera Manager now registers the metrics kafka_connect_connector_task_metrics_batch_size_avg and kafka_connect_connector_task_metrics_batch_size_max correctly.

Schema Registry

OPSAPS-68708: Schema Registry might fail to start if a load balancer address is specified in Ranger
Schema Registry now always ensures that the address it uses to connect to Ranger ends with a trailing slash (/). As a result, Schema Registry no longer fails to start if Ranger has a load balancer address configured that does not end with a trailing slash.

Streams Messaging Manager

OPSAPS-71258: Kafka, Streams Replication Manager, and Streams Messaging Manager cannot process messages compressed with Zstd or Snappy is /tmp is mounted as noexec
The issue is fixed by using JVM flags that point to a different temporary folder for extracting the native library.
CDPD-72543: Security headers are not set for static files in Streams Messaging Manager
Streams Messaging Manager now applies the following security-related headers to static files:
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • X-Frame-Options
  • Strict-Transport-Security
CDPD-73643: Unused CM_USER parameter is visible in /cm-configs internal endpoint
The unused CM_USER field has been removed from the /cm-configs internal endpoint
CDPD-70313: KNOX does not send Authentication header on FIPS configuration
KNOX now sends the Authentication header on FIPS clusters.

Streams Replication Manager

OPSAPS-71258: Kafka, Streams Replication Manager, and Streams Messaging Manager cannot process messages compressed with Zstd or Snappy is /tmp is mounted as noexec
The issue is fixed by using JVM flags that point to a different temporary folder for extracting the native library.

Cruise Control

OPSAPS-69978: Cruise Control script fails on Python 3
The script querying the capacity information is now fully compatible with Python 3.