Cloudera Flow Management
(Private Cloud)
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Cloudera Flow Management
Release Notes
Support Matrix
Review System Requirements
Supported operating systems
Supported databases
Supported NiFi Processors
Supported NiFi Controller Services
Supported NiFi Reporting Tasks
Download Locations
Download from the CFM Repository
Release Notes
What's New in This Release?
Component support
Unsupported Features
Technical Preview Features
Unsupported Customizations
Apache Patches
NiFi Patches
NiFi Registry Patches
Known Issues
Fixed Issues
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Download from the CFM Repository
Apache NiFi Overview
What is Apache NiFi?
The core concepts of NiFi
NiFi Architecture
Performance Expectations and Characteristics of NiFi
High Level Overview of Key NiFi Features
Sizing your Flow Management Cluster
Sizing your Flow Management cluster
Data flow design
NiFi design
Cluster layout
Disk configuration
Resource intensive processors
Installation & Upgrade
CFM deployment workflow
Understand your deployment scenario
Prepare your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Install the JDK
Install and configure a database for NiFi Registry
Install MySQL
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in MySQL
Install PostgreSQL
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in PostgreSQL
Install Cloudera Manager and a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Install the CFM parcel from the repository
Download the CFM Custom Service Descriptor files
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Understand your Base cluster layout
Add the NiFi service
Add the NiFi Registry service
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Add users or groups to Ranger policies
Deselect unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry on a Compute cluster
Understand your Compute cluster layout
Create a Shared Data Context
Add the NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger in the Base cluster
Create a Compute cluster
Add the NiFi and NiFi Registry services to a Compute cluster
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Add users or groups to Ranger policies
Deselect unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Install NiFi on a Compute cluster and NiFi Registry on a Base cluster
Understand your mixed cluster layout
Install NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Create a Shared Data Context
Add NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger
Create Compute cluster
Add NiFi to the Compute cluster
Create NiFi node users
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Add users or groups to Ranger
Deselect unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Before you begin
Preserve source cluster files and directories
NiFi files to preserve
Preserve custom processors/NARs
NiFi Registry files to preserve
Install CFM 2.0.x
Add and configure the NiFi service
Add and configure the NiFi Registry service
Verify CFM 2.0.x
Clear activity and shut down source services
Migrate the NiFi data directories
Migrate the NiFi flow.xml.gz file
Remove unnecessary reporting tasks
Update the Registry Client
Update references to cluster nodes
Update a flow with sensitive properties
Migrate authorization policies
Migrate NiFi Ranger-based policies
Migrate NiFi Registry Ranger-based policies
Migrate NiFi file-based policies
Migrate NiFi Registry file-based policies
Migrate NiFi state and custom components
Migrate NiFi Registry data storage
Migrate the metadata database
Migrate flow storage
Migrate bundle storage configurations
Post migration steps
Migrate file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi Registry File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Upgrade Paths
CFM upgrade and migration paths
Before you upgrade
Upgrading to CFM 2.0.4 from CFM 2.0.1
Upgrading to CFM 2.0.4 from CFM 1.1.0
Turn off TLS regeneration
Back up NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Back up NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Upgrading to CFM 2.0.x
Restore NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Restore your NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Turn off identity mapping
Additional post-upgrade steps for some upgrade scenarios
Enable Auto-TLS for CFM
Create a Ranger user for the Initial Admin Identity
Manually integrate with Atlas
Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Start your NiFi and NiFi Registry services
Component Installation and Upgrade
Installing NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi as a Service
Starting and Stopping NiFi on Linux
Launching the User Interface
Installing and Starting NiFi Registry Manually
Installing NiFi on Windows
Installing NiFi using the MSI file
Using a Local User for NiFi Windows Service
Using a Domain User for NiFi Windows Service
Starting and Stopping NiFi on Windows
Upgrading NiFi Manually
Getting ready to upgrade
Preserve Customizations Prior to Upgrade
Preserve your custom processors
Preserve your custom NAR files
Install the new NiFi version
Update the Configuration Files for Your New NiFi Installation
Migrating a dataflow with sensitive properties
Restarting the dataflow after upgrade
Upgrading NiFi Registry Manually
Install the New Version of NiFi Registry
Update the Configuration Files
How To
CFM Security
Kerberos Authentication
LDAP Authentication
Identity-Mapping Properties
Ranger Authorization
Understanding the Ranger Authorization Process for CFM
Before you begin
Add user to a pre-defined Ranger access policy
Create a custom Ranger access policy
Authorization example
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi Registry
File-Based Authorization
LDAP Integration
LDAP and Ranger Policies
LDAP and File-Based Policies
LDAP User Group Provider Properties
Migrate file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi Registry File-Based Authorization to Ranger
TLS Configuration
Enable Auto-TLS
Manually configure TLS
TLS certificate requirements and recommendations
Configure TLS encryption manually for NiFi and NiFi Registry
NiFi TLS Properties
NiFi Registry TLS Properties
Integrate NiFi and Atlas
Manually Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is not Enabled
Manually Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is Enabled
Integrate NiFi and NiFi Registry with Knox
Enhance or Overwrite Properties in Cloudera Manager
Pairing LDAP with a Composite Group Provider
Default Ports for NiFi and NiFi Registry
Tuning your DataFlow
Tuning your dataflow
Timer and event driven thread pools
Viewing the total number of threads in a cluster
Viewing the total number of active threads
Viewing the number of cores
Configuring thread pool size
Concurrent tasks
Run duration
Moving Data using NiFi Site-to-Site
Moving data from CDP Private Cloud Base to Public Cloud with NiFi site-to-site
Understand the use case
Prepare your clusters
Set up your network configuration
Configure your truststores
Define your CDP Public Cloud dataflow
Configure Ranger policies for site-to-site communication
Define your CDP Private Cloud Base dataflow
Exchanging Data with External Systems
Moving Data in and Out of Snowflake
Pushing data to and moving data from Snowflake using Apache NiFi
Moving data out of Snowflake
Before you begin
Download the Snowflake JDBC driver jar file
Add Snowflake CA certificates to the NiFi truststore
Build the dataflow
Create Controller Services for your dataflow
Configure your source processor
Configure your target processor
Confirm your dataflow success
Pushing data into Snowflake
Before you begin
Add Snowflake CA certificates to the NiFi truststore
Build your dataflow
Configure your Controller Services
Configure your source processor
Configure your target processor
Confirm your dataflow success
Next steps
Using Apache NiFi
Browser Support
Unsupported Browsers
Viewing the UI in Variably Sized Browsers
NiFi User Interface
Accessing the UI with Multi-Tenant Authorization
Logging In
Building a DataFlow
Adding Components to the Canvas
Component Versions
Sorting and Filtering Components
Changing Component Versions
Understanding Version Dependencies
Configuring a Processor
Settings Tab
Scheduling Tab
Properties Tab
Comments Tab
Additional Help
Parameter Contexts
Adding a Parameter to a Parameter Context
Assigning a Parameter Context to a Process Group
Referencing Parameters
Accessing Parameters
Using Custom Properties with Expression Language
Custom Properties
Controller Services
Adding Controller Services for Reporting Tasks
Adding Controller Services for Dataflows
Enabling/Disabling Controller Services
Reporting Tasks
Connecting Components
Details Tab
Changing Configuration and Context Menu Options
Bending Connections
Processor Validation
Configure Site-to-Site client NiFi instance
Configure Site-to-Site Server NiFi Instance
Example Dataflow
Command and Control of the DataFlow
Starting a Component
Stopping a Component
Enabling/Disabling a Component
Remote Process Group Transmission
Individual Port Transmission
Navigating within a DataFlow
Component Linking
Component Alignment
Align Vertically
Align Horizontally
Monitoring of DataFlow
Anatomy of a Processor
Anatomy of a Process Group
Anatomy of a Remote Process Group
Queue Interaction
Summary Page
Historical Statistics of a Component
Versioning a DataFlow
Connecting to a NiFi Registry
Version States
Import a Versioned Flow
Start Version Control
Managing Local Changes
Show Local Changes
Revert Local Changes
Commit Local Changes
Change Version
Stop Version Control
Nested Versioned Flows
Parameters in Versioned Flows
Variables in Versioned Flows
Restricted Components in Versioned Flows
Restricted Controller Service Created in Root Process Group
Restricted Controller Service Created in Process Group
Creating a Template
Importing a Template
Instantiating a Template
Managing Templates
Exporting a Template
Removing a Template
Data Provenance
Provenance Events
Searching for Events
Details of an Event
Replaying a FlowFile
Viewing FlowFile Lineage
Find Parents
Expanding an Event
Write Ahead Provenance Repository
Backwards Compatibility
Older Existing NiFi Version
System Properties
Encrypted Provenance Considerations
Encrypted Provenance Repository
What is it?
How does it work?
Writing and Reading Event Records
Potential Issues
Encrypted Content Repository
What is it?
How does it work?
Key Rotation
Writing and Reading Content Claims
Potential Issues
Encrypted FlowFile Repository
What is it?
How does it work?
Key Rotation
Writing and Reading FlowFiles
Potential Issues
Experimental Warning
Other Management Features
Using the Apache NiFi Toolkit
NIFi Toolkit Overview
Prerequisites for Running in a Secure Environment
Expression Language in the Application
Property/Argument Handling
Security Configuration
Example - Secure NiFi Registry without Proxied-Entity
Example - Secure NiFi Registry with Proxied-Entity
Interactive Usage
Adding Commands
Encrypt-Config Tool
File Manager
Expected Behavior
Flow Analyzer
Node Manager
Expected Behavior
TLS Toolkit
Wildcard Certificates
Potential issues with wildcard certificates
Operation Modes
Using An Existing Intermediate Certificate Authority (CA)
Signing with Externally-signed CA Certificates
Additional Certificate Commands
ZooKeeper Migrator
Migrating Between Source and Destination ZooKeepers
ZooKeeper Migration Steps
Using Apache NiFi Registry
Browser Support
Unsupported Browsers
Viewing the UI in Variably Sized Browsers
NiFi Registry User Interface
Logging In
Manage Flows
View a Flow
Sorting & Filtering Flows
Delete a Flow
Manage Buckets
Sorting & Filtering Buckets
Create a Bucket
Delete a Bucket
Delete Multiple Buckets
Edit a Bucket Name
Make a Bucket Publicly Visible
Allow Bundles in a Bucket to be Overwritten
Bucket Policies
Create a Bucket Policy
Delete a Bucket Policy
Manage Users & Groups
Sorting & Filtering Users/Groups
Add a User
Delete a User
Delete Multiple Users
Edit a User Name
Special Privileges
Grant Special Privileges to a User
Manage Groups
Add an Empty Group
Add User to a Group
Create a New Group with Selected Users
Remove a User from a Group
User Window
Group Window
Other Group Level Actions
Manage Bundles
Upload Bundle
Download Bundle
Bundle Coordinates
Bundle Id
Additional Actions
Property Enhancements
Property Enhancements
XML Property Enhancements
Bootstrap and Properties File Enhancements
Apache NiFi REST API
Apache NiFi REST API Reference
Apache NiFi Record Path Reference
RecordPath Overview
Structure of a RecordPath
Child Operator
Descendant Operator
Function Usage
Standalone Functions
Filter Functions
Apache NiFi Expression Language Guide
Expression Language Overview
Structure of a NiFi Expression
Expression Language in the Application
Escaping Expression Language
Expression Language Editor
Data Types
Boolean Logic
String Manipulation
Encode/Decode Functions
Mathematical Operations and Numeric Manipulation
Date Manipulation
Type Coercion
Subjectless Functions
Evaluating Multiple Attributes
Apache NiFi Admin Guide
System Requirements
How to install and start NiFi
Port Configuration
Embedded Zookeeper
Configuration Best Practices
Recommended Antivirus Exclusions
Security Configuration
TLS Generation Toolkit
User Authentication
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
OpenId Connect
Apache Knox
Multi-Tenant Authorization
Authorizer Configuration
Authorizers.xml Setup
Composite Implementations
Initial Admin Identity (New NiFi Instance)
Legacy Authorized Users (NiFi Instance Upgrade)
Cluster Node Identities
Configuring Users & Access Policies
Creating Users and Groups
Access Policies
Access Policy Configuration Examples
Encryption Configuration
Key Derivation Functions
Additional Resources
Salt and IV Encoding
NiFi Legacy
OpenSSL PKCS#5 v1.5 EVP_BytesToKey
Bcrypt, Scrypt, PBKDF2
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Limited Strength Jurisdiction Policies
Allow Insecure Cryptographic Modes
Encrypted Passwords in Configuration Files
NiFi Toolkit Administrative Tools
Clustering Configuration
Zero-Master Clustering
Why Cluster?
Communication within the Cluster
Managing Nodes
Disconnect Nodes
Offload Nodes
Delete Nodes
Decommission Nodes
NiFi CLI Node Commands
Flow Election
Basic Cluster Setup
State Management
Configuring State Providers
Embedded ZooKeeper Server
ZooKeeper Access Control
Securing ZooKeeper
Kerberizing Embedded ZooKeeper Server
Kerberizing NiFi's ZooKeeper Client
Troubleshooting Kerberos Configuration
ZooKeeper Migrator
Bootstrap Properties
Notification Services
Email Notification Service
HTTP Notification Service
Proxy Configuration
Kerberos Service
Analytics Framework
System Properties
Upgrade Recommendations
Core Properties
State Management
H2 Settings
FlowFile Repository
Write Ahead FlowFile Repository
Encrypted Write Ahead FlowFile Repository Properties
Volatile FlowFile Repository
RocksDB FlowFile Repository
Swap Management
Content Repository
File System Content Repository Properties
Encrypted File System Content Repository Properties
Volatile Content Repository Properties
Provenance Repository
Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties
Encrypted Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties
Persistent Provenance Repository Properties
Volatile Provenance Repository Properties
Component Status Repository
Site to Site Properties
Site to Site Routing Properties for Reverse Proxies
Site to Site protocol sequence
Reverse Proxy Configurations
Site to Site and Reverse Proxy Examples
Web Properties
Security Properties
Identity Mapping Properties
Cluster Common Properties
Cluster Node Properties
ZooKeeper Properties
Kerberos Properties
Analytics Properties
Custom Properties
Upgrading NiFi
Preserve Custom Processors
Preserve Modified NARs
Clear Activity and Shutdown Existing NiFi
Install the new NiFi Version
Update the Configuration Files for Your New NiFi Installation
Migrating a Flow with Sensitive Properties
Start New NiFi
Apache NiFi Developer Guide
NiFi Components
Processor API
Supporting API
AbstractProcessor API
Processor Initialization
Exposing Processor's Relationships
Exposing Processor Properties
Validating Processor Properties
Responding to Changes in Configuration
Performing the Work
When Processors are Triggered
Component Lifecycle
Component Notification
State Manager
Storing and Retrieving State
Unit Tests
Reporting Processor Activity
Documenting a Component
Documenting Properties
Documenting Relationships
Documenting Capability and Keywords
Documenting FlowFile Attribute Interaction
Documenting Related Components
Advanced Documentation
Provenance Events
Common Processor Patterns
Data Ingress
Data Egress
Route Based on Content (One-to-One)
Route Based on Content (One-to-Many)
Route Streams Based on Content (One-to-Many)
Route Based on Attributes
Split Content (One-to-Many)
Update Attributes Based on Content
Enrich/Modify Content
Error Handling
Exceptions within the Processor
Exceptions within a callback: IOException, RuntimeException
Penalization vs. Yielding
Session Rollback
General Design Considerations
Consider the User
Cohesion and Reusability
Naming Conventions
Processor Behavior Annotations
Data Buffering
Controller Services
Developing a ControllerService
Interacting with a ControllerService
Reporting Tasks
Developing a Reporting Task
UI Extensions
Custom Processor UIs
Content Viewers
Command Line Tools
Instantiate TestRunner
Add ControllerServices
Set Property Values
Enqueue FlowFiles
Run the Processor
Validate Output
Mocking External Resources
Additional Testing Capabilities
NiFi Archives (NARs)
Per-Instance ClassLoading
Deprecating a Component
How to contribute to Apache NiFi
Where to Start?
Supplying a contribution
Contact Us
Apache NiFi Registry Admin Guide
System Requirements
How to install and start NiFi Registry
Recommended Antivirus Exclusions
Security Configuration
User Authentication
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Authorizer Configuration
Authorizers.xml Setup
Initial Admin Identity (New NiFi Registry Instance)
Access Policies
Bucket Policies
Special Privilege Policies
Encrypted Passwords in Configuration Files
Encrypt-Config Tool
Sensitive Property Key Migration
Bootstrap Properties
Proxy Configuration
Kerberos Service
System Properties
Web Properties
Security Properties
Identity Mapping Properties
Providers Properties
Alias Properties
Database Properties
Extension Directories
Kerberos Properties
Metadata Database
Schema Differences & Limitations
Persistence Providers
Flow Persistence Providers
Switching from other Flow Persistence Provider
Data model version of serialized Flow snapshots
Bundle Persistence Providers
Event Hooks
Shared Event Hook Properties
URL Aliasing
Backup & Recovery
Metadata Database
Persistence Providers
Flow Persistence
Bundle Persistence
Configuration Files
Apache NiFi Registry REST API
1. Overview
1.1. Version information
1.2. Contact information
1.3. License information
1.4. URI scheme
1.5. Tags
2. Security
2.1. Authorization
2.2. BasicAuth
3. Resources
3.1. Access
3.1.1. Get access status
3.1.2. Performs a logout for other providers that have been issued a JWT.
3.1.3. Create token trying all providers
3.1.4. Create token using identity provider
3.1.5. Test identity provider
3.1.6. Get identity provider usage
3.1.7. Create token using kerberos
3.1.8. Create token using basic auth
3.2. Bucket Bundles
3.2.1. Get extension bundles by bucket
3.2.2. Create extension bundle version
3.3. Bucket Flows
3.3.1. Create flow
3.3.2. Get bucket flows
3.3.3. Get bucket flow
3.3.4. Update bucket flow
3.3.5. Delete bucket flow
3.3.6. Get bucket flow diff
3.3.7. Create flow version
3.3.8. Get bucket flow versions
3.3.9. Get latest bucket flow version content
3.3.10. Get latest bucket flow version metadata
3.3.11. Get bucket flow version
3.4. Buckets
3.4.1. Create bucket
3.4.2. Get all buckets
3.4.3. Get bucket fields
3.4.4. Get bucket
3.4.5. Update bucket
3.4.6. Delete bucket
3.5. Bundles
3.5.1. Get all bundles
3.5.2. Get all bundle versions
3.5.3. Get bundle
3.5.4. Delete bundle
3.5.5. Get bundle versions
3.5.6. Get bundle version
3.5.7. Delete bundle version
3.5.8. Get bundle version content
3.5.9. Get bundle version extensions
3.5.10. Get bundle version extension
3.5.11. Get bundle version extension docs
3.5.12. Get bundle version extension docs details
3.6. Config
3.6.1. Get configration
3.7. Extension Repository
3.7.1. Get extension repo buckets
3.7.2. Get extension repo groups
3.7.3. Get extension repo artifacts
3.7.4. Get extension repo versions
3.7.5. Get extension repo version
3.7.6. Get extension repo version content
3.7.7. Get extension repo extensions
3.7.8. Get extension repo extension
3.7.9. Get extension repo extension docs
3.7.10. Get extension repo extension details
3.7.11. Get extension repo version checksum
3.7.12. Get global extension repo version checksum
3.8. Extensions
3.8.1. Get all extensions
3.8.2. Get extensions providing service API
3.8.3. Get extension tags
3.9. Flows
3.9.1. Get flow fields
3.9.2. Get flow
3.9.3. Get flow versions
3.9.4. Get latest flow version
3.9.5. Get latest flow version metadata
3.9.6. Get flow version
3.10. Items
3.10.1. Get all items
3.10.2. Get item fields
3.10.3. Get bucket items
3.11. Policies
3.11.1. Create access policy
3.11.2. Get all access policies
3.11.3. Get available resources
3.11.4. Get access policy for resource
3.11.5. Get access policy
3.11.6. Update access policy
3.11.7. Delete access policy
3.12. Tenants
3.12.1. Create user group
3.12.2. Get user groups
3.12.3. Get user group
3.12.4. Update user group
3.12.5. Delete user group
3.12.6. Create user
3.12.7. Get all users
3.12.8. Get user
3.12.9. Update user
3.12.10. Delete user
4. Definitions
4.1. AccessPolicy
4.2. AccessPolicySummary
4.3. AllowableValue
4.4. Attribute
4.5. BatchSize
4.6. Bucket
4.7. BucketItem
4.8. BuildInfo
4.9. Bundle
4.10. BundleInfo
4.11. BundleVersion
4.12. BundleVersionDependency
4.13. BundleVersionMetadata
4.14. ComponentDifference
4.15. ComponentDifferenceGroup
4.16. ConnectableComponent
4.17. ControllerServiceAPI
4.18. ControllerServiceDefinition
4.19. CurrentUser
4.20. DeprecationNotice
4.21. DynamicProperty
4.22. DynamicRelationship
4.23. Extension
4.24. ExtensionBundle
4.25. ExtensionFilterParams
4.26. ExtensionMetadata
4.27. ExtensionMetadataContainer
4.28. ExtensionRepoArtifact
4.29. ExtensionRepoBucket
4.30. ExtensionRepoGroup
4.31. ExtensionRepoVersion
4.32. ExtensionRepoVersionSummary
4.33. ExternalControllerServiceReference
4.34. Fields
4.35. JaxbLink
4.36. Permissions
4.37. Position
4.38. Property
4.39. ProvidedServiceAPI
4.40. RegistryConfiguration
4.41. Relationship
4.42. Resource
4.43. ResourcePermissions
4.44. Restricted
4.45. Restriction
4.46. Stateful
4.47. SystemResourceConsideration
4.48. TagCount
4.49. Tenant
4.50. User
4.51. UserGroup
4.52. VersionedConnection
4.53. VersionedControllerService
4.54. VersionedFlow
4.55. VersionedFlowCoordinates
4.56. VersionedFlowDifference
4.57. VersionedFlowSnapshot
4.58. VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata
4.59. VersionedFunnel
4.60. VersionedLabel
4.61. VersionedParameter
4.62. VersionedParameterContext
4.63. VersionedPort
4.64. VersionedProcessGroup
4.65. VersionedProcessor
4.66. VersionedPropertyDescriptor
4.67. VersionedRemoteGroupPort
4.68. VersionedRemoteProcessGroup
Getting Started with Cloudera Flow Management
What is Cloudera Flow Management?
Who is this guide for?
Flow management terminology
Set up Cloudera Flow Management
Download NiFi and NiFi Registry
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry
Start NiFi and NiFi Registry
Build your first data flow
Learn about NiFi processors
Work with data flow templates
Create a template
Download a template
Upload a template
Use a template
Manage templates
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Create a bucket in NiFi Registry
Version data flows
Start version control
Commit local changes
Change the version of your data flow
Manage versioned data flows
Monitor data flows
Trace Data Lifecycle
Getting Started with Apache NiFi Registry
Who is This Guide For?
Terminology Used in This Guide
Downloading and Installing NiFi Registry
Starting NiFi Registry
For Linux/Unix/Mac OS X users
Installing as a Service
I Started NiFi Registry. Now What?
Create a Bucket
Connect NiFi to the Registry
Start Version Control on a Process Group
Save Changes to a Versioned Flow
Import a Versioned Flow
Where To Go For More Information
1. Overview
1.1. Version information
1.2. Contact information
1.3. License information
1.4. URI scheme
1.5. Tags
2. Security
2.1. Authorization
2.2. BasicAuth
3. Resources
3.1. Access
3.1.1. Get access status
3.1.2. Performs a logout for other providers that have been issued a JWT.
3.1.3. Create token trying all providers
3.1.4. Create token using identity provider
3.1.5. Test identity provider
3.1.6. Get identity provider usage
3.1.7. Create token using kerberos
3.1.8. Create token using basic auth
3.10. Items
3.10.1. Get all items
3.10.2. Get item fields
3.10.3. Get bucket items
3.11. Policies
3.11.1. Create access policy
3.11.2. Get all access policies
3.11.3. Get available resources
3.11.4. Get access policy for resource
3.11.5. Get access policy
3.11.6. Update access policy
3.11.7. Delete access policy
3.12. Tenants
3.12.1. Create user group
3.12.10. Delete user
3.12.2. Get user groups
3.12.3. Get user group
3.12.4. Update user group
3.12.5. Delete user group
3.12.6. Create user
3.12.7. Get all users
3.12.8. Get user
3.12.9. Update user
3.2. Bucket Bundles
3.2.1. Get extension bundles by bucket
3.2.2. Create extension bundle version
3.3. Bucket Flows
3.3.1. Create flow
3.3.10. Get latest bucket flow version metadata
3.3.11. Get bucket flow version
3.3.2. Get bucket flows
3.3.3. Get bucket flow
3.3.4. Update bucket flow
3.3.5. Delete bucket flow
3.3.6. Get bucket flow diff
3.3.7. Create flow version
3.3.8. Get bucket flow versions
3.3.9. Get latest bucket flow version content
3.4. Buckets
3.4.1. Create bucket
3.4.2. Get all buckets
3.4.3. Get bucket fields
3.4.4. Get bucket
3.4.5. Update bucket
3.4.6. Delete bucket
3.5. Bundles
3.5.1. Get all bundles
3.5.10. Get bundle version extension
3.5.11. Get bundle version extension docs
3.5.12. Get bundle version extension docs details
3.5.2. Get all bundle versions
3.5.3. Get bundle
3.5.4. Delete bundle
3.5.5. Get bundle versions
3.5.6. Get bundle version
3.5.7. Delete bundle version
3.5.8. Get bundle version content
3.5.9. Get bundle version extensions
3.6. Config
3.6.1. Get configration
3.7. Extension Repository
3.7.1. Get extension repo buckets
3.7.10. Get extension repo extension details
3.7.11. Get extension repo version checksum
3.7.12. Get global extension repo version checksum
3.7.2. Get extension repo groups
3.7.3. Get extension repo artifacts
3.7.4. Get extension repo versions
3.7.5. Get extension repo version
3.7.6. Get extension repo version content
3.7.7. Get extension repo extensions
3.7.8. Get extension repo extension
3.7.9. Get extension repo extension docs
3.8. Extensions
3.8.1. Get all extensions
3.8.2. Get extensions providing service API
3.8.3. Get extension tags
3.9. Flows
3.9.1. Get flow fields
3.9.2. Get flow
3.9.3. Get flow versions
3.9.4. Get latest flow version
3.9.5. Get latest flow version metadata
3.9.6. Get flow version
4. Definitions
4.1. AccessPolicy
4.10. BundleInfo
4.11. BundleVersion
4.12. BundleVersionDependency
4.13. BundleVersionMetadata
4.14. ComponentDifference
4.15. ComponentDifferenceGroup
4.16. ConnectableComponent
4.17. ControllerServiceAPI
4.18. ControllerServiceDefinition
4.19. CurrentUser
4.2. AccessPolicySummary
4.20. DeprecationNotice
4.21. DynamicProperty
4.22. DynamicRelationship
4.23. Extension
4.24. ExtensionBundle
4.25. ExtensionFilterParams
4.26. ExtensionMetadata
4.27. ExtensionMetadataContainer
4.28. ExtensionRepoArtifact
4.29. ExtensionRepoBucket
4.3. AllowableValue
4.30. ExtensionRepoGroup
4.31. ExtensionRepoVersion
4.32. ExtensionRepoVersionSummary
4.33. ExternalControllerServiceReference
4.34. Fields
4.35. JaxbLink
4.36. Permissions
4.37. Position
4.38. Property
4.39. ProvidedServiceAPI
4.4. Attribute
4.40. RegistryConfiguration
4.41. Relationship
4.42. Resource
4.43. ResourcePermissions
4.44. Restricted
4.45. Restriction
4.46. Stateful
4.47. SystemResourceConsideration
4.48. TagCount
4.49. Tenant
4.5. BatchSize
4.50. User
4.51. UserGroup
4.52. VersionedConnection
4.53. VersionedControllerService
4.54. VersionedFlow
4.55. VersionedFlowCoordinates
4.56. VersionedFlowDifference
4.57. VersionedFlowSnapshot
4.58. VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata
4.59. VersionedFunnel
4.6. Bucket
4.60. VersionedLabel
4.61. VersionedParameter
4.62. VersionedParameterContext
4.63. VersionedPort
4.64. VersionedProcessGroup
4.65. VersionedProcessor
4.66. VersionedPropertyDescriptor
4.67. VersionedRemoteGroupPort
4.68. VersionedRemoteProcessGroup
4.7. BucketItem
4.8. BuildInfo
4.9. Bundle
AbstractProcessor API
Access Policies
Access Policies
Access Policy Configuration Examples
Accessing Parameters
Accessing the UI with Multi-Tenant Authorization
Add a User
Add an Empty Group
Add and configure the NiFi Registry service
Add and configure the NiFi service
Add ControllerServices
Add NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger
Add NiFi to the Compute cluster
Add Snowflake CA certificates to the NiFi truststore
Add Snowflake CA certificates to the NiFi truststore
Add the NiFi and NiFi Registry groups to Ranger in the Base cluster
Add the NiFi and NiFi Registry services to a Compute cluster
Add the NiFi Registry service
Add the NiFi service
Add User to a Group
Add user to a pre-defined Ranger access policy
Add users or groups to Ranger
Add users or groups to Ranger policies
Add users or groups to Ranger policies
Adding a Parameter to a Parameter Context
Adding Commands
Adding Components to the Canvas
Adding Controller Services for Dataflows
Adding Controller Services for Reporting Tasks
Additional Actions
Additional Certificate Commands
Additional Help
Additional post-upgrade steps for some upgrade scenarios
Additional Resources
Additional Testing Capabilities
Advanced Documentation
Alias Properties
Align Horizontally
Align Vertically
Allow Bundles in a Bucket to be Overwritten
Allow Insecure Cryptographic Modes
Analytics Framework
Analytics Properties
Anatomy of a Process Group
Anatomy of a Processor
Anatomy of a Remote Process Group
Apache Knox
Apache NiFi Admin Guide
Apache NiFi Developer Guide
Apache NiFi Expression Language Guide
Apache NiFi Overview
Apache NiFi Record Path Reference
Apache NiFi Registry Admin Guide
Apache NiFi Registry REST API
Apache NiFi REST API
Apache NiFi REST API Reference
Apache Patches
Assigning a Parameter Context to a Process Group
Authorization example
Authorizer Configuration
Authorizer Configuration
Authorizers.xml Setup
Authorizers.xml Setup
Back up NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Back up NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Backup & Recovery
Backwards Compatibility
Basic Cluster Setup
Bcrypt, Scrypt, PBKDF2
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you begin
Before you upgrade
Bending Connections
Boolean Logic
Bootstrap and Properties File Enhancements
Bootstrap Properties
Bootstrap Properties
Browser Support
Browser Support
Bucket Policies
Bucket Policies
Build the dataflow
Build your dataflow
Build your first data flow
Building a DataFlow
Bundle Coordinates
Bundle Id
Bundle Persistence
Bundle Persistence Providers
CFM deployment workflow
CFM Security
CFM upgrade and migration paths
Change the version of your data flow
Change Version
Changing Component Versions
Changing Configuration and Context Menu Options
Child Operator
Clear activity and shut down source services
Clear Activity and Shutdown Existing NiFi
Cloudera Flow Management
Cluster Common Properties
Cluster layout
Cluster Node Identities
Cluster Node Properties
Clustering Configuration
Cohesion and Reusability
Command and Control of the DataFlow
Command Line Tools
Comments Tab
Commit Local Changes
Commit local changes
Common Processor Patterns
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Communication within the Cluster
Component Alignment
Component Installation and Upgrade
Component Lifecycle
Component Linking
Component Notification
Component Status Repository
Component support
Component Versions
Composite Implementations
Concurrent tasks
Configuration Best Practices
Configuration Files
Configure Ranger policies for site-to-site communication
Configure Site-to-Site client NiFi instance
Configure Site-to-Site Server NiFi Instance
Configure TLS encryption manually for NiFi and NiFi Registry
Configure your Controller Services
Configure your source processor
Configure your source processor
Configure your target processor
Configure your target processor
Configure your truststores
Configuring a Processor
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in MySQL
Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in PostgreSQL
Configuring State Providers
Configuring thread pool size
Configuring Users & Access Policies
Confirm your dataflow success
Confirm your dataflow success
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connect NiFi to NiFi Registry
Connect NiFi to the Registry
Connecting Components
Connecting to a NiFi Registry
Consider the User
Contact Us
Content Repository
Content Viewers
Controller Services
Controller Services
Core Properties
Create a Bucket
Create a Bucket
Create a bucket in NiFi Registry
Create a Bucket Policy
Create a Compute cluster
Create a custom Ranger access policy
Create a New Group with Selected Users
Create a Ranger user for the Initial Admin Identity
Create a Shared Data Context
Create a Shared Data Context
Create a template
Create Compute cluster
Create Controller Services for your dataflow
Create NiFi node users
Creating a Template
Creating Users and Groups
Custom Processor UIs
Custom Properties
Custom Properties
Data Buffering
Data Egress
Data flow design
Data Ingress
Data model version of serialized Flow snapshots
Data Provenance
Data Types
Database Properties
Date Manipulation
Decommission Nodes
Default Ports for NiFi and NiFi Registry
Define your CDP Private Cloud Base dataflow
Define your CDP Public Cloud dataflow
Delete a Bucket
Delete a Bucket Policy
Delete a Flow
Delete a User
Delete Multiple Buckets
Delete Multiple Users
Delete Nodes
Deprecating a Component
Descendant Operator
Deselect unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Deselect unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Deselect unwanted NiFi Registry dependencies
Details of an Event
Details Tab
Developing a ControllerService
Developing a Reporting Task
Disconnect Nodes
Disk configuration
Documenting a Component
Documenting Capability and Keywords
Documenting FlowFile Attribute Interaction
Documenting Properties
Documenting Related Components
Documenting Relationships
Download a template
Download Bundle
Download from the CFM Repository
Download from the CFM Repository
Download Locations
Download NiFi and NiFi Registry
Download the CFM Custom Service Descriptor files
Download the Snowflake JDBC driver jar file
Downloading and Installing NiFi Registry
Edit a Bucket Name
Edit a User Name
Email Notification Service
Embedded Zookeeper
Embedded ZooKeeper Server
Enable Auto-TLS
Enable Auto-TLS for CFM
Enabling/Disabling a Component
Enabling/Disabling Controller Services
Encode/Decode Functions
Encrypt-Config Tool
Encrypt-Config Tool
Encrypted Content Repository
Encrypted File System Content Repository Properties
Encrypted FlowFile Repository
Encrypted Passwords in Configuration Files
Encrypted Passwords in Configuration Files
Encrypted Provenance Considerations
Encrypted Provenance Repository
Encrypted Write Ahead FlowFile Repository Properties
Encrypted Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties
Encryption Configuration
Enhance or Overwrite Properties in Cloudera Manager
Enqueue FlowFiles
Enrich/Modify Content
Error Handling
Escaping Expression Language
Evaluating Multiple Attributes
Event Hooks
Example - Secure NiFi Registry with Proxied-Entity
Example - Secure NiFi Registry without Proxied-Entity
Example Dataflow
Exceptions within a callback: IOException, RuntimeException
Exceptions within the Processor
Exchanging Data with External Systems
Expanding an Event
Expected Behavior
Expected Behavior
Experimental Warning
Exporting a Template
Exposing Processor Properties
Exposing Processor's Relationships
Expression Language Editor
Expression Language in the Application
Expression Language in the Application
Expression Language Overview
Extension Directories
File Manager
File System Content Repository Properties
File-Based Authorization
Filter Functions
Find Parents
Fixed Issues
Flow Analyzer
Flow Election
Flow management terminology
Flow Persistence
Flow Persistence Providers
FlowFile Repository
For Linux/Unix/Mac OS X users
Function Usage
General Design Considerations
Getting ready to upgrade
Getting Started with Apache NiFi Registry
Getting Started with Cloudera Flow Management
Grant Special Privileges to a User
Group Window
H2 Settings
High Level Overview of Key NiFi Features
Historical Statistics of a Component
How does it work?
How does it work?
How does it work?
How to contribute to Apache NiFi
How to install and start NiFi
How to install and start NiFi Registry
HTTP Notification Service
I Started NiFi Registry. Now What?
Identity Mapping Properties
Identity Mapping Properties
Identity-Mapping Properties
Import a Versioned Flow
Import a Versioned Flow
Importing a Template
Individual Port Transmission
Initial Admin Identity (New NiFi Instance)
Initial Admin Identity (New NiFi Registry Instance)
Install and configure a database for NiFi Registry
Install CFM 2.0.x
Install Cloudera Manager and a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Install MySQL
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry on a Compute cluster
Install NiFi and NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Install NiFi on a Compute cluster and NiFi Registry on a Base cluster
Install NiFi Registry on your Base cluster
Install PostgreSQL
Install the CFM parcel from the repository
Install the JDK
Install the new NiFi version
Install the new NiFi Version
Install the New Version of NiFi Registry
Installing and Starting NiFi Registry Manually
Installing as a Service
Installing NiFi as a Service
Installing NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi on Linux
Installing NiFi on Windows
Installing NiFi using the MSI file
Instantiate TestRunner
Instantiating a Template
Integrate NiFi and Atlas
Integrate NiFi and NiFi Registry with Knox
Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is enabled
Interacting with a ControllerService
Interactive Usage
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Limited Strength Jurisdiction Policies
Kerberizing Embedded ZooKeeper Server
Kerberizing NiFi's ZooKeeper Client
Kerberos Authentication
Kerberos Properties
Kerberos Properties
Kerberos Service
Kerberos Service
Key Derivation Functions
Key Rotation
Key Rotation
Known Issues
Launching the User Interface
LDAP and File-Based Policies
LDAP and Ranger Policies
LDAP Authentication
LDAP Integration
LDAP User Group Provider Properties
Learn about NiFi processors
Legacy Authorized Users (NiFi Instance Upgrade)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Logging In
Logging In
Make a Bucket Publicly Visible
Manage Buckets
Manage Bundles
Manage Flows
Manage Groups
Manage templates
Manage Users & Groups
Manage versioned data flows
Managing Local Changes
Managing Nodes
Managing Templates
Manually configure TLS
Manually integrate with Atlas
Manually Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is Enabled
Manually Integrate with Atlas when Auto-TLS is not Enabled
Mathematical Operations and Numeric Manipulation
Metadata Database
Metadata Database
Migrate authorization policies
Migrate bundle storage configurations
Migrate file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrate file-based authorization to Ranger
Migrate flow storage
Migrate NiFi File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi file-based policies
Migrate NiFi Ranger-based policies
Migrate NiFi Registry data storage
Migrate NiFi Registry File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi Registry File-Based Authorization to Ranger
Migrate NiFi Registry file-based policies
Migrate NiFi Registry Ranger-based policies
Migrate NiFi state and custom components
Migrate the metadata database
Migrate the NiFi data directories
Migrate the NiFi flow.xml.gz file
Migrating a dataflow with sensitive properties
Migrating a Flow with Sensitive Properties
Migrating Between Source and Destination ZooKeepers
Mocking External Resources
Monitor data flows
Monitoring of DataFlow
Moving data from CDP Private Cloud Base to Public Cloud with NiFi site-to-site
Moving Data in and Out of Snowflake
Moving data out of Snowflake
Moving Data using NiFi Site-to-Site
Multi-Tenant Authorization
Naming Conventions
Navigating within a DataFlow
Nested Versioned Flows
Next steps
NiFi Architecture
NiFi Archives (NARs)
NiFi CLI Node Commands
NiFi Components
NiFi design
NiFi files to preserve
NiFi Legacy
NiFi Patches
NiFi Registry files to preserve
NiFi Registry Patches
NiFi Registry TLS Properties
NiFi Registry User Interface
NiFi TLS Properties
NiFi Toolkit Administrative Tools
NIFi Toolkit Overview
NiFi User Interface
Node Manager
Notification Services
Offload Nodes
Older Existing NiFi Version
OpenId Connect
OpenSSL PKCS#5 v1.5 EVP_BytesToKey
Operation Modes
Other Group Level Actions
Other Management Features
Pairing LDAP with a Composite Group Provider
Parameter Contexts
Parameters in Versioned Flows
Penalization vs. Yielding
Per-Instance ClassLoading
Performance Expectations and Characteristics of NiFi
Performing the Work
Persistence Providers
Persistence Providers
Persistent Provenance Repository Properties
Port Configuration
Post migration steps
Potential Issues
Potential Issues
Potential Issues
Potential issues with wildcard certificates
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi
Predefined Ranger Access Policies for Apache NiFi Registry
Prepare your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster
Prepare your clusters
Prerequisites for Running in a Secure Environment
Preserve Custom Processors
Preserve custom processors/NARs
Preserve Customizations Prior to Upgrade
Preserve Modified NARs
Preserve source cluster files and directories
Preserve your custom NAR files
Preserve your custom processors
Processor API
Processor Behavior Annotations
Processor Initialization
Processor Validation
Properties Tab
Property Enhancements
Property Enhancements
Property/Argument Handling
Provenance Events
Provenance Events
Provenance Repository
Providers Properties
Proxy Configuration
Proxy Configuration
Pushing data into Snowflake
Pushing data to and moving data from Snowflake using Apache NiFi
Queue Interaction
Ranger Authorization
Recommended Antivirus Exclusions
Recommended Antivirus Exclusions
RecordPath Overview
Referencing Parameters
Release Notes
Remote Process Group Transmission
Remove a User from a Group
Remove unnecessary reporting tasks
Removing a Template
Replaying a FlowFile
Reporting Processor Activity
Reporting Tasks
Reporting Tasks
Resource intensive processors
Responding to Changes in Configuration
Restarting the dataflow after upgrade
Restore NiFi keystore and truststore settings
Restore your NiFi Registry keystore and truststore settings
Restricted Components in Versioned Flows
Restricted Controller Service Created in Process Group
Restricted Controller Service Created in Root Process Group
Reverse Proxy Configurations
Revert Local Changes
Review System Requirements
RocksDB FlowFile Repository
Route Based on Attributes
Route Based on Content (One-to-Many)
Route Based on Content (One-to-One)
Route Streams Based on Content (One-to-Many)
Run duration
Run the Processor
Salt and IV Encoding
Save Changes to a Versioned Flow
Scheduling Tab
Schema Differences & Limitations
Searching for Events
Securing ZooKeeper
Security Configuration
Security Configuration
Security Configuration
Security Properties
Security Properties
Sensitive Property Key Migration
Session Rollback
Set Property Values
Set up Cloudera Flow Management
Set up your network configuration
Settings Tab
Shared Event Hook Properties
Show Local Changes
Signing with Externally-signed CA Certificates
Site to Site and Reverse Proxy Examples
Site to Site Properties
Site to Site protocol sequence
Site to Site Routing Properties for Reverse Proxies
Sizing your Flow Management Cluster
Sizing your Flow Management cluster
Sorting & Filtering Buckets
Sorting & Filtering Flows
Sorting & Filtering Users/Groups
Sorting and Filtering Components
Special Privilege Policies
Special Privileges
Split Content (One-to-Many)
Standalone Functions
Start New NiFi
Start NiFi and NiFi Registry
Start Version Control
Start version control
Start Version Control on a Process Group
Start your NiFi and NiFi Registry services
Starting a Component
Starting and Stopping NiFi on Linux
Starting and Stopping NiFi on Windows
Starting NiFi Registry
State Management
State Management
State Manager
Stop Version Control
Stopping a Component
Storing and Retrieving State
String Manipulation
Structure of a NiFi Expression
Structure of a RecordPath
Subjectless Functions
Summary Page
Supplying a contribution
Support Matrix
Supported databases
Supported NiFi Controller Services
Supported NiFi Processors
Supported NiFi Reporting Tasks
Supported operating systems
Supporting API
Swap Management
Switching from other Flow Persistence Provider
System Properties
System Properties
System Properties
System Requirements
System Requirements
Technical Preview Features
Terminology Used in This Guide
The core concepts of NiFi
Timer and event driven thread pools
TLS certificate requirements and recommendations
TLS Configuration
TLS Generation Toolkit
TLS Toolkit
Trace Data Lifecycle
Troubleshooting Kerberos Configuration
Tuning your DataFlow
Tuning your dataflow
Turn off identity mapping
Turn off TLS regeneration
Type Coercion
UI Extensions
Understand the use case
Understand your Base cluster layout
Understand your Compute cluster layout
Understand your deployment scenario
Understand your mixed cluster layout
Understanding the Ranger Authorization Process for CFM
Understanding Version Dependencies
Unit Tests
Unsupported Browsers
Unsupported Browsers
Unsupported Customizations
Unsupported Features
Update a flow with sensitive properties
Update Attributes Based on Content
Update references to cluster nodes
Update the Configuration Files
Update the Configuration Files for Your New NiFi Installation
Update the Configuration Files for Your New NiFi Installation
Update the Registry Client
Upgrade Paths
Upgrade Recommendations
Upgrading NiFi
Upgrading NiFi Manually
Upgrading NiFi Registry Manually
Upgrading to CFM 2.0.4 from CFM 1.1.0
Upgrading to CFM 2.0.4 from CFM 2.0.1
Upgrading to CFM 2.0.x
Upload a template
Upload Bundle
URL Aliasing
Use a template
User Authentication
User Authentication
User Window
Using a Domain User for NiFi Windows Service
Using a Local User for NiFi Windows Service
Using An Existing Intermediate Certificate Authority (CA)
Using Apache NiFi
Using Apache NiFi Registry
Using Custom Properties with Expression Language
Using the Apache NiFi Toolkit
Validate Output
Validating Processor Properties
Variables in Versioned Flows
Verify CFM 2.0.x
Version data flows
Version States
Versioning a DataFlow
View a Flow
Viewing FlowFile Lineage
Viewing the number of cores
Viewing the total number of active threads
Viewing the total number of threads in a cluster
Viewing the UI in Variably Sized Browsers
Viewing the UI in Variably Sized Browsers
Volatile Content Repository Properties
Volatile FlowFile Repository
Volatile Provenance Repository Properties
Web Properties
Web Properties
What is Apache NiFi?
What is Cloudera Flow Management?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What's New in This Release?
When Processors are Triggered
Where To Go For More Information
Where to Start?
Who is this guide for?
Who is This Guide For?
Why Cluster?
Wildcard Certificates
Work with data flow templates
Write Ahead FlowFile Repository
Write Ahead Provenance Repository
Write Ahead Provenance Repository Properties
Writing and Reading Content Claims
Writing and Reading Event Records
Writing and Reading FlowFiles
XML Property Enhancements
Zero-Master Clustering
ZooKeeper Access Control
ZooKeeper Migration Steps
ZooKeeper Migrator
ZooKeeper Migrator
ZooKeeper Properties
Filter topics
3.12. Tenants
1. Overview
1.1. Version information
1.2. Contact information
1.3. License information
1.4. URI scheme
1.5. Tags
2. Security
2.1. Authorization
2.2. BasicAuth
3. Resources
3.1. Access
3.1.1. Get access status
3.1.2. Performs a logout for other providers that have been issued a JWT.
3.1.3. Create token trying all providers
3.1.4. Create token using identity provider
3.1.5. Test identity provider
3.1.6. Get identity provider usage
3.1.7. Create token using kerberos
3.1.8. Create token using basic auth
3.2. Bucket Bundles
3.2.1. Get extension bundles by bucket
3.2.2. Create extension bundle version
3.3. Bucket Flows
3.3.1. Create flow
3.3.2. Get bucket flows
3.3.3. Get bucket flow
3.3.4. Update bucket flow
3.3.5. Delete bucket flow
3.3.6. Get bucket flow diff
3.3.7. Create flow version
3.3.8. Get bucket flow versions
3.3.9. Get latest bucket flow version content
3.3.10. Get latest bucket flow version metadata
3.3.11. Get bucket flow version
3.4. Buckets
3.4.1. Create bucket
3.4.2. Get all buckets
3.4.3. Get bucket fields
3.4.4. Get bucket
3.4.5. Update bucket
3.4.6. Delete bucket
3.5. Bundles
3.5.1. Get all bundles
3.5.2. Get all bundle versions
3.5.3. Get bundle
3.5.4. Delete bundle
3.5.5. Get bundle versions
3.5.6. Get bundle version
3.5.7. Delete bundle version
3.5.8. Get bundle version content
3.5.9. Get bundle version extensions
3.5.10. Get bundle version extension
3.5.11. Get bundle version extension docs
3.5.12. Get bundle version extension docs details
3.6. Config
3.6.1. Get configration
3.7. Extension Repository
3.7.1. Get extension repo buckets
3.7.2. Get extension repo groups
3.7.3. Get extension repo artifacts
3.7.4. Get extension repo versions
3.7.5. Get extension repo version
3.7.6. Get extension repo version content
3.7.7. Get extension repo extensions
3.7.8. Get extension repo extension
3.7.9. Get extension repo extension docs
3.7.10. Get extension repo extension details
3.7.11. Get extension repo version checksum
3.7.12. Get global extension repo version checksum
3.8. Extensions
3.8.1. Get all extensions
3.8.2. Get extensions providing service API
3.8.3. Get extension tags
3.9. Flows
3.9.1. Get flow fields
3.9.2. Get flow
3.9.3. Get flow versions
3.9.4. Get latest flow version
3.9.5. Get latest flow version metadata
3.9.6. Get flow version
3.10. Items
3.10.1. Get all items
3.10.2. Get item fields
3.10.3. Get bucket items
3.11. Policies
3.11.1. Create access policy
3.11.2. Get all access policies
3.11.3. Get available resources
3.11.4. Get access policy for resource
3.11.5. Get access policy
3.11.6. Update access policy
3.11.7. Delete access policy
3.12. Tenants
3.12.1. Create user group
3.12.2. Get user groups
3.12.3. Get user group
3.12.4. Update user group
3.12.5. Delete user group
3.12.6. Create user
3.12.7. Get all users
3.12.8. Get user
3.12.9. Update user
3.12.10. Delete user
4. Definitions
4.1. AccessPolicy
4.2. AccessPolicySummary
4.3. AllowableValue
4.4. Attribute
4.5. BatchSize
4.6. Bucket
4.7. BucketItem
4.8. BuildInfo
4.9. Bundle
4.10. BundleInfo
4.11. BundleVersion
4.12. BundleVersionDependency
4.13. BundleVersionMetadata
4.14. ComponentDifference
4.15. ComponentDifferenceGroup
4.16. ConnectableComponent
4.17. ControllerServiceAPI
4.18. ControllerServiceDefinition
4.19. CurrentUser
4.20. DeprecationNotice
4.21. DynamicProperty
4.22. DynamicRelationship
4.23. Extension
4.24. ExtensionBundle
4.25. ExtensionFilterParams
4.26. ExtensionMetadata
4.27. ExtensionMetadataContainer
4.28. ExtensionRepoArtifact
4.29. ExtensionRepoBucket
4.30. ExtensionRepoGroup
4.31. ExtensionRepoVersion
4.32. ExtensionRepoVersionSummary
4.33. ExternalControllerServiceReference
4.34. Fields
4.35. JaxbLink
4.36. Permissions
4.37. Position
4.38. Property
4.39. ProvidedServiceAPI
4.40. RegistryConfiguration
4.41. Relationship
4.42. Resource
4.43. ResourcePermissions
4.44. Restricted
4.45. Restriction
4.46. Stateful
4.47. SystemResourceConsideration
4.48. TagCount
4.49. Tenant
4.50. User
4.51. UserGroup
4.52. VersionedConnection
4.53. VersionedControllerService
4.54. VersionedFlow
4.55. VersionedFlowCoordinates
4.56. VersionedFlowDifference
4.57. VersionedFlowSnapshot
4.58. VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadata
4.59. VersionedFunnel
4.60. VersionedLabel
4.61. VersionedParameter
4.62. VersionedParameterContext
4.63. VersionedPort
4.64. VersionedProcessGroup
4.65. VersionedProcessor
4.66. VersionedPropertyDescriptor
4.67. VersionedRemoteGroupPort
4.68. VersionedRemoteProcessGroup
Apache NiFi Registry REST API
3.12. Tenants
Endpoint for managing users and user groups.
3.12.1. Create user group
3.12.2. Get user groups
3.12.3. Get user group
3.12.4. Update user group
3.12.5. Delete user group
3.12.6. Create user
3.12.7. Get all users
3.12.8. Get user
3.12.9. Update user
3.12.10. Delete user
Parent topic:
3. Resources
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