Example - Secure NiFi Registry with Proxied-Entity
Assuming we have access to the keystore of NiFi Registry itself, and that NiFi Registry is also configured to allow Kerberos or LDAP authentication, an example properties file would be the following:
baseUrl=https://localhost:18443 keystore=/path/to/keystore.jks keystoreType=JKS keystorePasswd=changeme keyPasswd=changeme truststore=/path/to/truststore.jks truststoreType=JKS truststorePasswd=changeme proxiedEntity=user1@NIFI.COM
In this example, the certificate in keystore.jks would be for the NiFi Registry server, for example "CN=localhost, OU=NIFI". This identity would need to be defined as a user in NiFi Registry and given permissions to 'Proxy'.
"CN=localhost, OU=NIFI" would be proxying commands to be executed as user1@NIFI.COM.