Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

State Management

The State Management section of the Properties file provides a mechanism for configuring local and cluster-wide mechanisms for components to persist state. See the State Management section for more information on how this is used.




The XML file that contains configuration for the local and cluster-wide State Providers. The default value is ./conf/state-management.xml.


The ID of the Local State Provider to use. This value must match the value of the id element of one of the local-provider elements in the state-management.xml file.


The ID of the Cluster State Provider to use. This value must match the value of the id element of one of the cluster-provider elements in the state-management.xml file. This value is ignored if not clustered but is required for nodes in a cluster.


Specifies whether or not this instance of NiFi should start an embedded ZooKeeper Server. This is used in conjunction with the ZooKeeperStateProvider.


Specifies a properties file that contains the configuration for the embedded ZooKeeper Server that is started (if the nifi.state.management.embedded.zookeeper.start property is set to true)