Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Install the new NiFi Version

Install the new NiFi into a directory parallel to the existing NiFi installation.

  1. Download the https://nifi.apache.org/download.html of Apache NiFi.

  2. Uncompress the NiFi .tar file (tar -xvzf file-name) into a directory parallel to your existing NiFi directory. For example, if your existing NiFi installation is installed in /opt/nifi/existing-nifi/, install your new NiFi version in /opt/nifi/new-nifi/.

  3. If you are upgrading a NiFi cluster, repeat these steps on each node in the cluster.

    Host Machine - Node 1
    |--> opt/
       |--> existing-nifi
       |--> new-nifi
    Host Machine - Node 2
    |--> opt/
       |--> existing-nifi
       |--> new-nifi
    Host Machine - Node 3
    |--> opt/
       |--> existing-nifi
       |--> new-nifi

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